I updated my SSAO code, it's now optimized and a bit faster.
By doing the paired sampling, you can easily use the twins inverse if one sample distance (fall-off distance) is invalid.
So you actually "guess" the occlusion amount of the invalid sample.
This is by far the best method to counter haloing.
Posting a GIF for comparison purposes is allways worth it.
(I changed the parameters to make the differences more visible)
Well... with only taking screen space into account, you cant get rid of the haloing completely.Swyter said:SSAO without halo'ing, screen-space reflections, Gaussian depth of field. You guys sure know your stuff.
Games like the latest Far Cry and MGS V: TFP still have pretty evident halos in their implementations.
By doing the paired sampling, you can easily use the twins inverse if one sample distance (fall-off distance) is invalid.
So you actually "guess" the occlusion amount of the invalid sample.
This is by far the best method to counter haloing.
Posting a GIF for comparison purposes is allways worth it.
(I changed the parameters to make the differences more visible)