B Info Shader Post Process Shaders and Effects (LENSFLARES, SSAO, DOF)

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I updated my SSAO code, it's now optimized and a bit faster.
Swyter said:
SSAO without halo'ing, screen-space reflections, Gaussian depth of field. You guys sure know your stuff.
Games like the latest Far Cry and MGS V: TFP still have pretty evident halos in their implementations.
Well... with only taking screen space into account, you cant get rid of the haloing completely.
By doing the paired sampling, you can easily use the twins inverse if one sample distance (fall-off distance) is invalid.
So you actually "guess" the occlusion amount of the invalid sample.
This is by far the best method to counter haloing.

Posting a GIF for comparison purposes is allways worth it.
(I changed the parameters to make the differences more visible)
It looks amazing!  :grin:
But there is one tiny, lil', problem... HOW AND WHERE DO I ADD THAT CODE?  :mrgreen:

Got it!Forgot about Shaders on Taleworlds site. :grin:
Hello, I am very intereted in SSAO, not sure how much performance hit will be there but I have decent computer.
But, I am kinda noob in this and I did not manage to make it work. I downloaded shaders but I am not 100% sure if I copied them into right folder (I copied it into "GLShaders"), but the bigger problem is that I do not know where exactly copy those lines in postFX.fx

Could you upload your modified files that I would need to replace to make SSAO work for me? I would be very thankful.

Hopefully you guys are still around. Thanks, screenshots looks very nice.
BrutusCz said:
Could you upload your modified files that I would need to replace to make SSAO work for me? I would be very thankful.
A week ago, we've released all source files (including shaders) of BoE.
It might be worth to check it out;
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