Possibly joining the RAF, advice needed.

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Knight at Arms
Hi. I normally wouldn't do something like this, but seeing as there seems to be a fair amount of people around here who are or have been in the Armed Forces, I figured I'd give it a shot.

I'm coming to the end of my college course now, and it's about the time that we start looking at potential careers and job options. Put simply, most of them stink, and there aren't too many ICT opportunities about right now unless you have a university education (something that i'm not interested in at all), or qualifications beyond what I've got.

So I started looking at the Armed Forces - The Army isn't for me, as I don't think I have the fortitude for it, and it would probably be the same for the Royal Navy. So then I started looking at the RAF - and I meet the requirements for an IT specialist (barring any medical problems, but that's something I need to check with my Doctors and the AFCO people, I guess). I'd need to get into better shape, of course, but that shouldn't be too hard.

So, what's it like in the RAF, or any Armed Force? I've already done some research on the RAF site, which has got a lot of helpful resources, videos and other stuff, but i'd like to hear from more people if possible.

Thanks, Astor.
Astor said:
there aren't too many ICT opportunities about right now unless you have a university education (something that i'm not interested in at all), or qualifications beyond what I've got.
We're critically short staffed, and indeed most of our clients in Europe are short staffed. There's plenty of opportunities irrespective of qualifications.
FrisianDude said:
Grow a moustache first. Can't be airman without a moustace.

Balderdash!  :razz:

Archonsod said:
We're critically short staffed, and indeed most of our clients in Europe are short staffed. There's plenty of opportunities irrespective of qualifications.

Could you possibly point me in the right direction? I've had difficulty looking thus far.

okiN said:
Advice: don't do it, you daftie.

Alright, why not? My mind's far from made up, but it is an option nonetheless.

Yoshiboy said:
Don't join. Why would you want to die? Or kill other people for that matter?

While i'm sure death is a constant danger in any armed force, the risks probably aren't that high for IT specialists, and i'm not planning on killing anyone.
iamahorse said:
Where are the RAF currently engaged?

They're engaged in Afghanistan, but they have bases in the Falklands, Cyprus, Germany and a few other places, I think.
im 18 years old with only 2 nvqs in IT support and i have a good job as a support techy, its all about doing your research before you go to the interview.
While i'm sure death is a constant danger in any armed force, the risks probably aren't that high for IT specialists, and i'm not planning on killing anyone.

Oh really? I guess you'll just help other people kill people then.

Joining any kind of armed forces is like selling your soul. Say goodbye to living a free life, say goodbye to thinking for yourself, say goodbye to having any control over your destiny. It isn't like you can simply walk away from the armed forces, it isn't that simple.

And...what everyone else said.
Sedericus said:
im 18 years old with only 2 nvqs in IT support and i have a good job as a support techy, its all about doing your research before you go to the interview.

I seem to suck pretty badly at interviews.

okiN said:
Because it's hard for me to imagine a situation where you'd have to deal with more ridiculous bull**** than as a member of any given military organization.

It's really just an option for now.

I've still got no idea what i'd want to do in IT, but I do want to work in IT, whether it's as a civilian or in the Forces. Maybe i'm hoping that something like the RAF would help give me a sense of direction and purpose?

Yoshiboy said:
While i'm sure death is a constant danger in any armed force, the risks probably aren't that high for IT specialists, and i'm not planning on killing anyone.

Oh really? I guess you'll just help other people kill people then.

Joining any kind of armed forces is like selling your soul. Say goodbye to living a free life, say goodbye to thinking for yourself, say goodbye to having any control over your destiny. It isn't like you can simply walk away from the armed forces, it isn't that simple.

And...what everyone else said.

I realise it's a big risk, and a life-changing decision, and it's certainly not something to enter into lightly or on a whim. That's what I haven't done anything beyond reading about it yet.

Maybe it's a mistake, maybe I won't join at all.
Yoshiboy said:
While i'm sure death is a constant danger in any armed force, the risks probably aren't that high for IT specialists, and i'm not planning on killing anyone.

Oh really? I guess you'll just help other people kill people then.

Joining any kind of armed forces is like selling your soul. Say goodbye to living a free life, say goodbye to thinking for yourself, say goodbye to having any control over your destiny. It isn't like you can simply walk away from the armed forces, it isn't that simple.

And...what everyone else said.

Well then. We have every single type of person that possibly exists on Taleworlds. We have terrorists, neo-nazi's, mentally-retarded children (somehow), trolls, warmongerors, flamers, spammers, even some advertisers, and now, a pacifist. Thank you for completing the list!

Anyways, disregard what he said. No matter what we do, we will always be killing each other, so might as well get it over with. The only way to end wars is not to protest them, and certaintly not radically supporting them, but accepting them.
I'm not a pacifist. If fact my opinions on the armed forces have nothing to do with pacifism. I'm not against the ideas of wars or armed forces. I just don't like the way most countries armed forces conduct themselves internally.
Yoshiboy said:
I'm not a pacifist. If fact my opinions on the armed forces have nothing to do with pacifism. I'm not against the ideas of wars or armed forces. I just don't like the way most countries armed forces conduct themselves internally.

So... you like the concept of wars... but not the actual playing out of wars? Is this what your getting at?
Well, I'm not really sure what your expecting from the military. After all, it is a organization with some sort of order, after all, and like any organization that has anyone in charge of anything, there is likely to be incompetance and confusion. Just look at just about any government. It is the necessary evil of having someone in charge. But the way I look at it, it could be a lot worse. At least you guys don't have floggings and political officers anymore  :wink:
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