Possible Error

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Hey, I just started playing the mod today and I love the whole building thing..but I have a feeling something is wrong with my version or something. I downloaded the newest version from one of the links. Anyways the problems.., So whenever I military train peasants it says nothing and a bunch of "nothing" people show up in my town, who I can take into my own party but do not gain experience, have no weapons/armor/names. When i say Nothing people..thats people because that it was they are labeled, it will be quarrymen etc..and then 8 nothing in the list. Also when I try to change color of faction it doesn't do anything and nothing shows up..but this may be a town up thing and not a camp, which I think it is..im just not certain. Thats it, otherwise i've been enjoying it so far, except that I seem to have a lack of peasants all the time and I end up sitting outside of Curaw *spelling/name?*, whatever that main town is in the middle, and waiting for it to say peasants are leaving Curaw to find a better home and then snagging them. Thanks
You're culture is Custom but as long as you don't create your own troop tree you only get the default Nothin and Nothing troops.
Either you create your own troop tree (see the corresponding thread) and start a new game (changes only work with a new game) or you change your culture in the settlement screen.

Another way to get peasants is to go into Curaw, increase your reputation there (kill bandits) and talk to the elder peasant (costs reputation and 200 denars).
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