Possible buggery with the running archers, esp in arena.

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The Handyman Can
Knight at Arms
I was in the arena and it gave me a sword and shield (a nice setup). My allies: A guy with a 2h sword, and a mounted archer. Have to tell the archer to dismount so he can actually shoot the enemy without dieing miserably. Enemy has two mounted knights w/ lances and a foot archer. I kill both knights, but not before my 2h sword guy dies to the archer, and my archer is pincushioned by a knight. Then I go 1v1, with full health, against the archer. Get right to him with only a tiny bit of damage to the shield. Then he starts running backward faster than I can run forward, shooting arrows fast enough to win a marathon. But I still rush him... only a few more feet till he hits the wall and cant run back anymore. My shield busts up *really* fast. Then he starts pegging me for way heavier damage than normal. But im RIGHT by the wall... Then suddenly he gets a good shot... and I take 186 damage. I would assume thats a head shot? Or maybe an eye shot? Straight through the brain?

I assume its new, since ive never got hit so hard before. Also got hit for 30s and 40s before that third shot. I would assume it is because of velocity. Im moving forward, hes moving backwards and firing forward, so my running forward + arrow flying forward at me = way more damage? Before im running right in his face im getting hit for like 12 and when hes moving backward with me moving forward im getting hit for three times that... with the lovely shot for 186. (bit of an overkill, the 30 and 40 had me barely alive already).

Doesnt always do this though - sometimes they are running back slower and I can catch them; and ive only been hit for 186 once. Other than that the highest I was shot for in arena was like 92 (with a headshot, ofcourse).
The Arena get's really frustrating becuase it has a lot of balance issues. I can't even order my horse archers to dismount. Who were you fighting? Was it a veteran, a champion, or one of the special people? Maybe it was just really bad luck...
I think it was a champion but I didnt pay too much attention to the message telling me who killed me lol. Just stared in awe of the hit for 186. I shouldve got a screenshot... that wouldve been a good one, me falling backwards, arrow sticking out of my head, with a message saying I take 186 damage.
wow... highest damage i've ever done with a bow is 120. That's with archery lvl 230, a war bow, bodkin arrows. I me and a helmetless guy were charging at eachother, me on my heavy warhorse :twisted:... headshot! but i have no idea how he got 180 damage.
Big bug, for some reason, on a random occasion the shield will miss blocking an arrow. Also, a friend of mine has this game and for some reason she can't aim her bow to the left or right of her while she's on horseback. I get this too, but the problem only arises when I try to aim to the right. I don't know what's causing these problems, but my speculation is that they're random glitches in the gameplay engine. This is version 0.632 beta. This happened in the arena. The horseback bug also occurs, not just in the arena, but also in the normal game world itself.
Can only aim to the left when on horseback, and not to the right...sit on a chair and mimic having a bow and try to draw it while twisting your body to the right...you'll find it pretty impossible to do it...
Happens alot at arena, with dismounted lance men and foot archers, they run backwards faster than I can run forwards...

Once it was a champion, but one time the archer was Dranton... (In that game, his athletics was 6 or 7) It feels pretty odd that run backwards and fill the enemy with arrows, or keep hitting with lance...

Also those champions tend to hit and then run backwards with double speed of y forwards going speed...
Yeah, this is the most frustrating aspect of the arena. Their archers are always WAY faster than you are, so you have to hit them and keep them down to knock them out. If I'm going 1v1 against a foot archer and I don't have a shield, there's no chance I'll win. If I do have a shield, I have to get really lucky.
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