Possible bug with river pirates...?

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I started a new squire on v.622, and immediately after finishing training won a few tournaments and got myself a quarterstaff, got the quest from the constable, and went out to start capturing river pirates on my own.

My first encounter was with 7 river pirates. I took 3 down with crossbow, and then knocked out the other 4 with my quarterstaff.

When I got back to town, the constable immediately gave me 700 gold, as though I had taken out 14 pirate groups, and the quest was marked as more than 50% done.

Subsequent fights with pirates have yielded expected results (50 gold, small increase in quest %), just this first encounter gave strange results.
I saw this bug in .601, but didn't see it in later versions. It seemed to count the river pirates i had killed with other characters I had played earlier that session towards the new character I had made.
Actually, yes, I suspect that's precisely what happened, because this was with my 2nd character. It's v.622, though. Is there a variable somewhere else I need to clear out or something?

Collecting loot and slaves from river pirates is pretty important in the early game, so I don't want to run out of them too fast :???:
I had a gold bug when I first started playing. After betting 20$ and winning in the tournament, i had 10,000 gold. I didn't realise this was alot because it was my first time playing. I eventually started another character and found out I didn't start off with that much gold.
Spekkio said:
I had a gold bug when I first started playing. After betting 20$ and winning in the tournament, i had 10,000 gold. I didn't realise this was alot because it was my first time playing. I eventually started another character and found out I didn't start off with that much gold.

lol nice 1 =) hehe

isnt bad to win 10,000 gold when you only bet 20 hehe
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