SP - General Possibility to change the culture of the town/castle/village

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Hi all,

this idea is about the loyalty of a faction's castles or cities. If I conquer a castle or city and select a governor who is not in the same faction as the citizens, the loyalty of the castle or city will decrease over time.
It would be nice if there was a character/unit or ability that could be sent near the town or castle, or maybe to the villages, to slowly change the culture of the town/castle and villages.
So you can slowly change the loyalty of the city/castle or even decrease the loyalty of the enemy cities/castles to make rebellions happen there.

This kind of function can be seen in other strategy games based on the religion of the cities/castles.

This feature can add some dynamics to the game.

Best regards
As a 'lite' version of this. I think the 'headsmen' notable of each village should provide the owning cultures recruits, whereas the others provide the original culture. That way if you want to recruit a mono-culture army; you can still supply your numbers from captured provinces (just at a much reduced rate).
All core states are static in all M&B titles so a dynamic culture mechanic would definitely bring some challenge to the late game.

Though im afraid if developers could implement such a mechanic since they are actively working on dumbing down the game as much as they can
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