Portugal 9-10 Spain (Stage 1, Group 1) Deadline: 13/04/2011

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Group Stage 1, Group 1
Portugal vs Spain

Map 1: Field by The River - Nords vs Swadia
Map 2: Village - Sarranids vs Vaegirs
The deadline for this match is 13/04/2011.

You can discuss anything related to the match in this topic. Referees can also post their availability in here. The result of the match should also be posted in this thread, preferably accompanied by screenshots, if possible.

On saturday is difficulty for our and tomorrow we play against USA, I suggest on wednesday at 21:00 ins spain 20:00 in portugal?

Do you think?

Add me to steam

I think it's a little early

uhm... , I'll meet you halfway, Could we play 20:30 (in spain) (19:30 in portugal)?

What server will play us?

in our server, we have played many time and it has worked fine., what do you think?

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