Poor Cat

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I wonder, why is he so sad? :/

What on earth?
That picture sure lacks photshop skills and and certainly lacks humor by my idea.
Don't be offended if you made the picture.
Hmm what I thought to be the picture's edge was the animals skin then. Well that cat is surely more poor however I am not sure if those pictures are apporpriate. And that picture is not at all cruel after watching poor animals being skinned alive by fur traders. Well still lacks humor I believe (after seeing that video that is)
Well, picture posted by Ilex for sure lack with good taste at all.
Who do you want to convince about your cruelty?
It is the game of the weak and pathetic Ilex.
I'm pissed off now :evil:
Very :evil:
Humour is subjective.
About the pictures being appropriate... I just remove the link, but I can't see how a junk of meat (no blood) is not appropriate, that is what we most eat.
That video was pretty cruel. But they gotta get some bread for their families (fur people).
EDIT: not subjective -> subjective (what ever you get the point)
Good taste is also subjective. For me a set of pictures with a cat with "sad facial features" and asking why it's sad is not of good taste (no personal offence meant).
And btw. it is not me autopsying that cat.
Stop talking bull**** ilex.
You know very well what I'm talking about.
And stop talking about subjectivity. I'm tired of this crap of the weak.
I'm sure you didn't cut the cat, but you've posted this picture. This makes you guilty.
You try to spread evil. I warn you ilex. Evil has bad nature. It will eat you at last. It's always like this. Always.
You will suffer unbelievable pain if you'll not turn back from this road. Do it until it's not to late.
Remember my words.
Yes I am not blaming the skinners, I cant blame a person for not being offended or disgusted by skinning an animal alive. However I do believe, just because skinning an animal gives better furs, companies would let such a torture take place is not just, as they are no matter what, living beings with nervous systems, and when it gets to harming other creature there is no subjectivity ( I am not pointing these to your post, I belive that cat was already dead as you said ). Thus that skinning video is more than just a matter of bread and poverty.

You are right about subjectivity of good taste and humor however that is why I said in my opininon. And by the way I find that cat cute more than funny - and that is the reason why I put it here - .

And once more to state, becareful about the borders of subjectivity, it is matter that can not be disregarded as when you really start pushing and disturbing people there is no more subjectivity and it gives people the right to retalliate.
You try to spread evil.
Evil is subjective.
I'm tired of this crap of the weak.
No, those are weak who can't see the whole picture. There IS no such thing as a cute cat, or disgusting thing. Those things are just told to you to be (or you judge it to be by your previous experiements).
This makes you guilty.
Of what?
And by the way I find that cat cute more than funny.
Yes, and some one might see it as deliciously edible. Your way of seeing is no better than someone elses (which you haven't stated. this is a statement tho).
it is matter that can not be disregarded as when you really start pushing and disturbing people there is no more subjectivity and it gives people the right to retalliate
Well... you kinda asked for it. First I put up simple picture of a cat and a saw. You said it to be photoshop, so I put some proof that it is not. It is proof that you are "disgusted" of. Would you have believed me without?

You guys gotta have a broader wiev on things. This IS a multinational forum. You are lucky that I am not a member of a cat mutilation-cult that thinks that posting cute cat pictures is a disgusting thing. No... wait I prob. would not start barking at you because I see that people have different wievs on things.
If you rape my mind I don't think about subjectivity. I thinl it's normal for you to fight back any offender? I do it.
And about subjectivity - I wonder if you will still believe it when band of skinheads will start to beat you by clubs because their vision of making you happy is to kick you. Isn't it subjective?
Well, I see you don't want to listen.
Evil is not subjective.
Life will teach you about true meaning of my words.
It's always like this.
You still have chance to come back ilex. Still chance.
Ýlex I believe you don't understand the idea of subjectivity and broad. Just because someone, unlike many other people on the world believe that killing someone is new and just idea and also is a broad view of life cant go around kill people or blame people for not killing each other. Your ideas and believes are only subjective or broad as long as you do not mutiliate the life or rights of another living being or effect the enviroment of another person. Thus being a cat killer is not a kind of morality. Keep this statement in mind when you are reading the next paragraph.

When to ideas clash together, they are not subjective views but moralities and ethics. This whole world runs by the friction between moralities and you cant blame someone to objective because they are defending their morality. Being not disgusted by such pictures or even enjoying them are just other kinds of moralities by their right. As sofists say Humans are the measure of everything and it is not suprising that the perception of morality changes from person to person. However when you walk into a place where an action of yours might be against the morality of another person you should not blame people of not being subjective. Moralities can not to be subjective, they change from person to person yes, but they are objective, thus the arguement caused here is most natural. I am more against you posting such a picture here rather than you liking it or not being disturbed by it. Because if you post it here it also interfers with my life and I have the right to object to it or dislike it. Thus if you post such a picture you should expect retalliation. You have the right to defend your morality but it is just plain wrong blaming other people of objectivity. And besides as for all the arguement going on here, tagging people with big adjectives behind your screen is not a broad view of life. It makes me think that you have more lile memorized some of what you say rather than really understand them.

If you want to understand the true meaining of subjectivity, I suggest you read Nietzche or Hume. I believe they are people who clearly explain the true meaning of subjectivity and broad views of life.
Of course it is subjective. They have every right of beating me because they are stronger than me (that doens't mean I could not try to resist), but the nation in which they live in has also the right to punish them for their doings, because the nation is likely a stronger force than a bunch of skinheads.

There is no absolute right or wrong. There is only the "right" that someone puts up for you as a stronger entity. Of course you can resist but if you are weaker you are most likely to fail your attempt. It is the way that nature has ran for millions of years, even before those hippies came and started talking about peace & love. Such puny attempts of those who are not strong enough (to my knowledge world doesn't run with peace & love).
Enough with fancy words or their philosophical meanings. If you post a picture of a cat you think is cute, but disgusts someone else. The "someone else" can say it is disgusting, but neither of them is right and both of them are right at the same time.

You see as me doing wrong by posting disgusting pictures. I could aswell say that pictures you post disgust me and that you are evil. It's like saying your religion is bad because your god doesn't exist, but our does so our religion is better than yours.

Moralities can not to be subjective, they change from person to person yes, but they are objective, thus the arguement caused here is most natural.
Did you read the forum I took it from? If you compare those with your arguement you can see that things are not black & white.
Sina, you seem to be real wise man. But I'm afraid that all your really true and wise word are for nothing. Ilex is the kind of man learning by experience of pain, not by wisdom of words. This is the way he'd chosen and we are only able to show him the way. But he is the one making choices.
You see, for me it's clear he's under influence of certain... so called philosophy, or maybe even cult. I really don't know. I really don't want to know.
He suffer weakness, he suffered it from the very childhood, and now he tries to look for power. He thinks he can decieve peoples by posting such pictures, by using such sig... Those are disguisess of his weakness.
Well, he's young, he still have the chance, but if he'll not turn away.... he is doomed.
I've seen many things in my life, I've experienced a lot.
All the words you've told are noble, but seem to be wasted pearls.
Ok, I'm leaving this discussion now. i've said what had to be said.
Ilex, your choice. You don't have to write about.
Do yours
Ýlex you still blame me for arguing with youi where as I find this arguement very normal. I am just stating that this arguement is not caused by a matter of subjectivity, it is matter of morality. And thus you should not complain because the picture you posted here caused an arguement.
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