Sina, you seem to be real wise man. But I'm afraid that all your really true and wise word are for nothing. Ilex is the kind of man learning by experience of pain, not by wisdom of words. This is the way he'd chosen and we are only able to show him the way. But he is the one making choices.
You see, for me it's clear he's under influence of certain... so called philosophy, or maybe even cult. I really don't know. I really don't want to know.
He suffer weakness, he suffered it from the very childhood, and now he tries to look for power. He thinks he can decieve peoples by posting such pictures, by using such sig... Those are disguisess of his weakness.
Well, he's young, he still have the chance, but if he'll not turn away.... he is doomed.
I've seen many things in my life, I've experienced a lot.
All the words you've told are noble, but seem to be wasted pearls.
Ok, I'm leaving this discussion now. i've said what had to be said.
Ilex, your choice. You don't have to write about.
Do yours