POM Server Settings(Per Ebdanian's request)

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Grandmaster Knight
Ebdanian has brought this up to me and would like me to post on his behalf. The fact that POM admins keep changing it to fastest and 1500 gold, which gives us no where to practice Medium speed 1k gold. Is it possible to open up one of the Chicago servers for public use?
Yep every time I'm on POM someone changes the server settings because they don't know how to play the game. Can't the owner of the most popular server in NA work with admins or something?
none of us even know who changes it in the first place, when they do it theyre on smurfs for what i know

This would not be nearly as big of an issue if he changed the settings back to normal when he leaves the server, but the problem is that he doesn't. This is a pretty big problem when he leaves the server at 2:00 AM Est and another admin doesn't get on until around 2:00 PM the next day

Another thing that concerns me is a lack of a server with the WPL modual. Some people wont even see the new maps until the week they are played in the tournament. (like that bloody forest map nobody ive talked to seems to like) And furthermore, many of the maps on POM are not up to date or are a different version of the one that is in the tournament.
Ebdanian Admiral said:
This would not be nearly as big of an issue if he changed the settings back to normal when he leaves the server, but the problem is that he doesn't. This is a pretty big problem when he leaves the server at 2:00 AM Est and another admin doesn't get on until around 2:00 PM the next day

Another thing that concerns me is a lack of a server with the WPL modual. Some people wont even see the new maps until the week they are played in the tournament. (like that bloody forest map nobody ive talked to seems to like) And furthermore, many of the maps on POM are not up to date or are a different version of the one that is in the tournament.

Well I agree with your point about POM. But saying their is a lack of servers with the WPL module is quite ridiculous, we have like 20 servers, that teams are constantly scrimming/training on, so their is no excuse about "not being able to see or play on a map".
Im talking about public servers that are not password protected or being booked constantly by teams that wish to scrimmage. You just said you had 20 different servers. why not change one of your 5 Chicago servers into a public server with the new map rotation and a pleasant lack of kergits?
POM best server.
Good luck trying to play on any other server for pubs

its only been tried like 10 other times. The record has got to be like 8 hours before everyone switches back to POM
BlackTide said:
Tried it before, people keep playing on POM, not really worth it.

Even if it was empty 99% of the time, it would still be nice to have as an option for when the server gets screwed with. Its not like anyone would have to buy a new server or anything. And I do think people would play on it, seeing how POMs modual is currently cycling through about 5 different maps (all of which outdated) and if i remember correctly, is randomly kicking tkers (I think this might have been fixed but idk)
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