POLLS for Lost Legionaries mod, everyone please vote.

Should Lost Legionaries mod go for pre-marians or post marians reform of Roman army system?

  • Pre-Marian

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Post-Marian

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Sergeant Knight at Arms
After making a hard decision on creating mod with team, which is either based on pre-marians or post-marians.

I want for every of you to vote, and if possible, state your opinions why we should lean toward pre-marians or post-marians for now.

Thank in advance!

Eagle out...
I voted for Post-Marian since I think the time-frame will allow for a greater variety of different troop types and cultures to interact with and people have a greater familiarity with the post-Marian army.
Since you've decided to chose Greeks as a second side in my opinion pre-marian would be more appropriate.
I know I've adviced Mirthidates wars as replacement but that time period would not allow to use lorica segmentata without affecting realism. But thise wars were very interesting but are not so well known as Greek or Germanic wars
And pre-marian has pretty good variation of units too. Remember auxiliares.
I'd prefer post marian because in my opinion they look nicer. However, if the Greek side are using hoplites then it would have to be pre marian, as traditional hoplites was already pretty much obsolete when the greeks fought romans and M&B can't really do Macedonian style phalanxes.

Mithridates would be great, but I don't think M&B can really do that style of fighting without serious editing. If you haven't heard of him, here's a quick article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mithridates_VI_of_Pontus.

Pre marian means romans before the reforms of marius - legions were split up into different troop types based on what equipment the soldiers could afford. After Marius, Rome provided equipment, wages and pensions for soldiers.
During this period macedonian style phalanx armed with 3-4 m (sometimes longer) long pike was standard unit for all hellenistic armies. Normal hoplites weren't in use in that times. They became transformed to medium armed infantry for special purposes, as flank screening or for fight in difficult terrains. Their equipment became much lighter for this tasks.
I have a dilemma. I don't have a ****ing clue of what you are talking about, but I'm still supposed to vote. This must be like the last two president elections in US
I will allow this polls to go on until it will close in few days, and These polls with feedback is what will help us to decision about the future of our Lost Legonaries mod.

Eagle out...
OHh PRE MARIUS!!! = before there was a better and neater army for rome
Post-Marius,= thats when you start seeing those legionaries with square shield
Well, what he stated is roughly

Pre-Marian = Roman Republic Army
Post-Marian = Imperial Roman Army.

So called Marian reformation was said to be done in 108 BC (though today it was accepted to occur more gradually). It was to constitute the land/economic/social reformation that had been plaguing Rome for centuries. simply, poor became poorer, rich became richer and there was very few middle class people who was the source of Roman Legions.
Marius abolished the practice and established professional army who was paid, equipped by state. You should note that they were mostly from urban poor, or Capito Censi (I'm not sure spelling), who was considered as too poor to equip themselves.
Other effect was, through clientale system, army became more loyal to the general, rather than Rome (and Senate)

Other changes around this time were:
Abolishment of classes in main infantry rank (no more Hastatii, Principes, Triarii, that were divided by age group).
More or less uniform equipments through all ranks.
Adoption of Eagle as the Legionery Standard (no more Wolf, Ox, Boar, Minotaur standards, though it seems they were carried somehow).
Obsolation of Manipul tactics and adaptation of Cohort as a battle unit.
Oh c'mon, there was plenty of differentiation in the Roman army during the Imperial period.

Your guys would start out as Roman peasants, then be upgraded to lowly Auxilia. From Auxilia they could then be upgraded to Veteran Auxilia. After Veteran Auxilia you could go Legionare, Cavalry, or Archer Auxilia. From Legionare you could go to Preatorian Guard, from Cavalry you could go to the Exemplarii, and from Archer Auxilia you could go to Sharpshooter Auxilia.

And plus, by the time the Marius reforms rolled around, most of Rome's enemies were Hellenized and relied heavily on Hellenic Army tactics like the Seleucids, Ptolemaics, and Pontus, so having the generic "Greeks" in the game is not any kind of stretch.
All right. The only remark I would like to add is that generic roman legionary with lorica segmentata and rectangular shield came to use between eras, something 10BCE, 10 AD as far as I know during Octavian Augustus rule. In that time there were no hellenistic enemies against Rome. So to be fair realistic post-marians should be done with oval shield with chinmail and corintian helmets. The gallic helmets were introduced later, but could be used during Mithridates wars.
Or the realism could be stretched littlebit. It will not be big sin anyway.
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