Sergeant at Arms
In many roleplaying games, your class basically determines what kind of equipment and even what kind of behavior is expected of your character.
That said, along with @Terco_Viejo I bring up the suggestion that units in Bannerlord behave based on their category / class / role-function.
For this, it is also necessary to create new categories and applying to keybinds we have the following proposal:
They already have the proper designation in the game.
[ 2 ] RANGED
They already have the proper designation in the game.
Already inserted in the game, but behave like infantry. They should behave like guerrillas and also seek to flank in melee combat.
(The Ai group behaviour shall not decide to charge until all missiles have been launched).
Changed name from "Horse Archer" to include units with throwing weapons and camel or elephant mounts as well.
(The Ai group behaviour shall not decide to charge until all missiles have been launched).
They already have the proper designation in the game, riding around the map and seeking to attack the flanks.
Already inserted in the game, but not used. I suggest behaving like a Shock Cavalry.
Already inserted in the game, but not used. They should receive cohesion and discipline benefits, but suffer movement penalty.
Added category, the only type of infantry capable of using the Spear Brace mechanics.
Added category, units that attack fast and with low morale drop penalty.
Added category, units that preserve their original category and can be selected into a single group focused on the lord's protection.
(Ideal to place your companions, for example).
EDIT / IMPORTANT: This suggestion also brings keybind customization.
Every player who wants to use more types of the same category always sacrifice slots of others.
For example: If you only have mounted archers in your army and you want to control 4 groups of mounted archers, you must transfer the units on the battle map between the slots you defined previously through the keybind customization. Full control of your army's composition.
This allows a range of options for the player. If I want to put a certain unit in other category / class, it will adapt to that new function.
Possible scenarios according to this proposal:
1. If the category is applied, it would force pikeman to behave differently from the other infantry types, creating a truly functional pike unit.
2. If not equipped with missile weapons, ranged cavalry will engage in melee combat normally. The skirmishers too.
3. If I select an archer and put him in the infantry category, he would automatically switch to melee mode and advance with the infantry units.
4. If I select an knight and put him in the pike infantry category, he would dismount and could use the spear in Spear Brace mode.
5. If I select an crossbowman and put him in the skirmisher category, he will not decide to charge until all missiles have been launched.
6. If I select an infantryman and put him in the heavy cavalry category, he will mount in stray horses that are close to him and will accompany the cavalry.
And so on...
That said, along with @Terco_Viejo I bring up the suggestion that units in Bannerlord behave based on their category / class / role-function.
For this, it is also necessary to create new categories and applying to keybinds we have the following proposal:
They already have the proper designation in the game.
[ 2 ] RANGED
They already have the proper designation in the game.
Already inserted in the game, but behave like infantry. They should behave like guerrillas and also seek to flank in melee combat.
(The Ai group behaviour shall not decide to charge until all missiles have been launched).
Changed name from "Horse Archer" to include units with throwing weapons and camel or elephant mounts as well.
(The Ai group behaviour shall not decide to charge until all missiles have been launched).
They already have the proper designation in the game, riding around the map and seeking to attack the flanks.
Already inserted in the game, but not used. I suggest behaving like a Shock Cavalry.
Already inserted in the game, but not used. They should receive cohesion and discipline benefits, but suffer movement penalty.
Added category, the only type of infantry capable of using the Spear Brace mechanics.
Added category, units that attack fast and with low morale drop penalty.
Added category, units that preserve their original category and can be selected into a single group focused on the lord's protection.
(Ideal to place your companions, for example).
EDIT / IMPORTANT: This suggestion also brings keybind customization.
Every player who wants to use more types of the same category always sacrifice slots of others.
For example: If you only have mounted archers in your army and you want to control 4 groups of mounted archers, you must transfer the units on the battle map between the slots you defined previously through the keybind customization. Full control of your army's composition.
This allows a range of options for the player. If I want to put a certain unit in other category / class, it will adapt to that new function.
Possible scenarios according to this proposal:
1. If the category is applied, it would force pikeman to behave differently from the other infantry types, creating a truly functional pike unit.
2. If not equipped with missile weapons, ranged cavalry will engage in melee combat normally. The skirmishers too.
3. If I select an archer and put him in the infantry category, he would automatically switch to melee mode and advance with the infantry units.
4. If I select an knight and put him in the pike infantry category, he would dismount and could use the spear in Spear Brace mode.
5. If I select an crossbowman and put him in the skirmisher category, he will not decide to charge until all missiles have been launched.
6. If I select an infantryman and put him in the heavy cavalry category, he will mount in stray horses that are close to him and will accompany the cavalry.
And so on...
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