POLL: First person view, or third person view?

Do you prefer 1st or 3rd person view better?

  • I like to play in First Person

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I like to play in Third Person

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I would rather play in FOV, but it's too difficult at times

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Big J Money

There have already been three or so topics on the subject, but I'd like to make it quantitative if everyone doesn't mind. My guess is going to be that most play in third person. I play in first person, and have ever since day one. I did not want to become accustomed to 3PV, because I know it's easier, and I like having my view blocked by helmet and shield, just like in real life. It's actually one of the reasons I love this game so much! I will admit that I can get VERY frustrated when sword-fighting from horseback, though! It's extremely difficult, but I guess I will always have room for improvement. Nothing beats couching from first person, though. It is so extremely rewarding. :?:

=$= Big J Money =$=
I find the fact that you can swivel your head through 360 degrees just a little off-putting :p 1st person also makes horse archery easier, and it doesn't look at cool but it is a lot of fun.
Aw, crap. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Okay, yes, FOV is supposed to be FPV, for first person view. I apologize for the sudden mental retardation, as I don't have the excuse of being born that way.

I used to play in third, but recently i tried out first and found it to be easier than i expected, not to mention more exciting. I remember being in the arena as a 2 handed swordsman, charging towards an archer, knowing it would be curtains if i got hit. Just before he released i gave him an overhead swing and it knocked him cold, and this all happened up close and my face was almost buried in his chest as he fell. It really looked like i had smacked him down.
I get sick of the extreme head bobbing in 1st person view, so I tend to stay at 3rd person now. <_<
I like foot battles and it is much more fun to play first person, especially when you cowardly hide behind a wall of swadian guards :wink:
It appears that I don't have the skills that most of you that posted, do ... I get beaten down when I try and play in 1st-person view. Especially so, when I am on a mount and trying to fight. :oops:

Part of that reason is because I play with one hand and have all my main controls bound to the mouse. Due to this ... it is very hard for me to turn my head around while moving and check my surroundings.

Anyways ... third-person view for me. :razz:
I've allways played in Third person only because im too stupid to realise theres a first person. i'm going to give it a go now..

I do like third person though. Looks like a movie and it's good to see your warrior smashing through the enemy :grin:

and now i give it a go...
I only play in first person when using projectile weapons. For some reason in all other instances, first person just makes me sick in this game...literally. I play all other types of FPS's and have never had this problem. I think its because 1st person kinda feels tacked on and needs a little work.
1st person is ace! I find it actually makes fighting on the ground easier. Though on horseback it becomes hard to see so i tend to get riddled with arrows while looking where to go.

1st person is a bit sickly but only because it bounces, which happens on horseback so it's great. Only the viewpoint is very stuck, as it there is no peripheral vision at all, so you don't see that much. It's more like looking through a camera than using your own eyes. Your body turns funny too. It would be good if your body stayed put for some of the turn to simulate head movement. With a bit of tweeking it could be very good indeed.
It's funny that people complain about the Peripheral Vision problem, when most people are wearing helms. Have you guys ever put a real medieval helm on before? Your view is actually a LOT more restricted than this game in 1st person view! That was all part of the skill back then; being able to fight with blnders. Well, at least for the armored warriors.

The only problems I've been having with first person are when your shoulder unrealistically gets in the way. This happens when using a greatsword, or when on horse back and pulling back to swing a sword. The camera just needs to be a little higher or something, since I've never had my own shoulder block my vision in real life -- needlessly furstrating.

It's funny that people complain about the Peripheral Vision problem, when most people are wearing helms. Have you guys ever put a real medieval helm on before? Your view is actually a LOT more restricted than this game in 1st person view! That was all part of the skill back then; being able to fight with blnders. Well, at least for the armored warriors.

Couldn't disagree more. While it may be true that your vision would be very obstructed by a helmet, saying that it should be implemented to simulate realism doesn't make sense. It's not realistic in the slightest that you can view things from a 3rd person perspective. The only way to make a move toward realism would be to remove 3rd person altogether, which of course is dumb and would just kill gameplay. So it makes more sense to just increase peripheral vision while in 1st person.
Gameplay > Realism
What is the FOV in the game (in degrees). Normal human's FOV is about 180-190 degrees. A lot of games have much smaller degree that it really is and adding that you have very little control how your head moves (without moving your whole body) it isn't the most realistic option either.
[In response to DaLagga]

I never said it should be implemented to improve on realism, I just said that's the way it is! Already, I've noticed that this game has a much more immersive 1st person than most other games I've played, and the only reason I've noticed are times when I can't see anything because my shield is in my face while I'm defending. I can tell that we just disagree here, but I LOVE having my shield cover up my view so that I can't see. If this were a multiplayer game, I'd ***** and whine because all the 3rd person players would have a serious advantage, and I'd have to never use 1st person to be competitive. Instead, I am thankful that it is only a single-player game, and that the developer was kind enough to offer both views.

The reason I think its silly to complain about is because, from my understanding, people use the first person because they want things to be realistic. So, don't complain when things actually are. And yes, when wearing some of those medieval helmets, your view is CRAP. UTTER CRAP. It's worse than 90 degrees in amny cases. This doesn't apply of course, to players who aren't wearing helmets. I'm just trying to find a silver lining in a technology flaw, that's all.

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