Poll: Apha version options

Priority be for the alpha version

  • Naval Combat

    Votes: 33 19.1%
  • Scythians fix / nerf

    Votes: 12 6.9%
  • More greek factions

    Votes: 24 13.9%
  • A new, non-greek faction

    Votes: 14 8.1%
  • Politics / Diplomacy scripts

    Votes: 53 30.6%
  • New scenes with the greek buildings

    Votes: 33 19.1%
  • Other (post a comment)

    Votes: 4 2.3%

  • Total voters

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What would your priority be for the Alpha?

Feel free to leave any critics or suggestions. The map of greece option isn't included because its already in place.

EDIT: The beta will eventually sport all of the above and some new stuff, but I'm trying to establish priorities based on popular choices for testing priorities.

I think you should leave the majority of the scene building to players, it will be good enough for villages etc. Important stuff like major cities(capitals) etc. should be done by skilled people, but there are more important things that need the team's talent, at least in my opinion.

My thoughts exactly.
voted for a new faction. imho, diverse troop trees and unique combat strategies for different factions is what makes a good mod better and contributes heavily to replayability.
essentially, what makes a good mod? unique fun-to-play factions and cool new items. features like naval combat, enhanced diplomacy are an asset but not crucial. at least in my opinion.
All the choices look good, but I think expanding a little on politics would be really cool.
Lynores said:
Sorry I messed up your post, Soil. Talk about being rusted.

Just checked the thread again, seeing you quote me in the first post but not being able to find my own post made me wonder where it went :grin:

Oh well, for everyone else: I expressed that I strongly encourage a good implementation of naval combat(well, along those lines anyway). Then I wrote it was probably better to wait for the expansion with all the diplomatic and political stuff. After all, they promised some additions in those areas. I also said I liked the focus on Greece and Greek factions in this mod, so I'd rather want a Greek than any other foreign faction. And finally, I wrote what you can see in the first post about the scenes.
ah,  good catch on the improved political system for the expansion.  In that case it probably would be better to look at improving naval combat. Although, that can be a tall order in itself.  :smile:

I don't know which parts of naval battles are already implemented in native, but ramming and boarding only would already be pretty awesome. I'm quite sure boarding is already in, but I'm too lazy to check it out now.

It would be really amazing if you could have ranged weapon battles on the ships, so archers vs. archers, trying to eliminate as many guys as possible before the boarding starts but from what I know this is very close to being imposible.
Lynores wrote in his original first post he didn't put a new map as an option because it's already done.
i actually think that since all the stuff listed will be in the mod sooner or later, nerfing the annoying scythians should be priority since they kinda mess up the gameplay (IMHO).

and by that i mean they shouldnt play as large (and annoying) part as they do... they werent organised and "civilized" like the greek nations were. They were nomads and should only be part of the game as roving bandit parties...
I think that's a good point Oddball, they didn't have the same social structure as the Greeks did they? Having them living in towns and conducting sieges would seem a bit odd to me. Unless the Scythian towns were just large semi-permanent encampments with perhaps a small palisade, because I doubt they would have built formidable defences (I may be very wrong, and if so I apologise, but my impression of the Scythians was that they were primitive nomads). Having them as roving bandits, perhaps with the occasional large party generated to present a challenge, might be the most realistic and enjoyable option.
My suggestion is more items, more units that can be upragded to, and if you notice, soldiers have stats that you cant reach(unless playing alot of time),It's in alot of other modules aswell,if you can make their stats lower or easier to get your stats that high, it will be great  :wink:
make the mod run lighter, for this is the only one that can crash my game... :O. if not, just politics...
I voted for nval combat--however, on secoond thought, politics and diplomacy will probably take more trial and error to polish, so should come first.
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