Thanks guys!
Currently I'm trying to make deserts look beter. Unfortunately there is no info about flags used on deserts, so I can't add any plants/rocks.
I will make two flora_kinds files (this have descriptions/flags what trees are placed where, and how) - one will have optimised - less dense forests.
So it will be really simple to change trees density.
i have already optimise most of objects - some highpoly models are not used anymore, some tree groups have less trees.
Now grass is quite plain, i will try to add some variations later.
Also, I hate those pretty new skies and light settings...
Too "perfect" and shiny for me...
Also, after some time playing Warband with dense forests - as I thought sometime it's better to just dismount cavalry.
Charge in denser forest is impossible - guys get stuck on trees, formation gets scattered and charge have no "punch", they reach enemy lines one by one and get slaughtered.
So sometimes to use cavalry charge you need to find clearing and wait for enemy to get there...
It's quite interesting, no more - Swadian Knights ->charge ->victory - battles
Some screens from Warband: