SP - General Policy - political decisions

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Hello everybody,

After the 1.4 patch and as a king of my own faction, I feel like I don’t really have the power of decision I could or should have. At this stage of the game, decisions pretty much depend on lords approval, whether it is for peace or war decisions, but also for castles voting.

Here is my suggestion. I think we should implement new policies. Policies that would allow to choose the political system. Therefore, I propose to implement these new policies, as a non-exhaustive list :
- absolute monarchy by divine right (king has the last word on every decision, this policy could replace the « semi-Divine » policy actually in the game)
- council between vassals and ruler (as it is in 1.4)
- oligarchy (rule by the rich)
- democracy (people voting)
- Senate with senators chosen among the people or I don’t know
- etc

This new system would imply new mechanics in the game, for example if I decide to institute an absolute monarchy by divine right, there would be a risk of rebellion or potentiel strifes between lords/clans after some important political decisions.

I think this could be interesting with the policy system of this game.

Thanks for your attention !

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