Poison Weapons

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I think a cool thing to have would be the ability to poison your weapons , like have poisoned throwing daggers or maybe poisened arrows.

Maybe make it so you could buy poison from the merchant which veries in strength and reactiveness... eg. 1 poison kills people within 15 seconds , whilst another kills after 40 seconds.

And of course they would cost more or less for stronger or weaker poisons , not all would have to kill too , maybe slow them down or something since they would be feeling sick.

Ah...you couldn't obviously poison 2handers or big swords as it would be...hmm you probably could but i think it would make the game abit....less fun.

I just think it would be fun to launch daggers over a hill , hit a few people then when they get close to you they suddenly drop dead ;p

Just an idea.
and no , i didn't search. Because im a lazy barstard.....

Changed poisEn to poison, sorry :razz: -LL
okiN said:
There was a thread about this a while back. The general consensus was "hell no".

Mainly because the delayed damage wouldn't work. IRL it takes either hours/days for one to die of poison, or it is near instantaneous.
I've studied natural toxins and poisons at university some time ago. What I've found is that all herbal killer poisons either kill you through suffocation or hearth attack. So you will drop down with convulsion or flaccid paralysis, but a "damage over time" (DOT) effect known in may RPGs is just plainly unrealistic.
It could work if it negated the effect of surgery (or whatever the skill was that "ressurected" dead soldiers). But I can't see that it would be worth the trouble to use or implent.
What happens if someone poisons you? Defeat would be inevitable as there are not any magic health potions to stop the poison.
Or make it work like bleed damage. Wait it is like bleed...Except you go naseas and maybe go unconscious, and bleed makes you go light headed and most likely die.

In a short battle like in M&B, i think its pretty hard to implement poisons. Maybe implement it as a blowgun and etc for like a ranged blunt damage, which means knocking out instead of killing.

Perhaps for very expensive poisons, they come in satchets to throw at a group to poison or weaken them. Give them rashes?
^^^lol shutup befor you get this thread locked :p

I didn't mean damage over time like out of MMORPG's , that's stupid. I just meant make it so they fall unconsious or die a few seconds after being hit , it would make carrying things like throwing dagger's and javelin's more worthwhile for starter's , although then again , archers are already way to good.
Poison could be okay, IF one cut meant that the enemy could not be knocked uncocious, but would automatically die if hitpoints=0.

I'm thinking it would be handy in big battles against warparties and such -prevent them from res.ing any of their injured that you might have hit once or twice but got finished off by someone else.
yep and the game would be over really fast if you encounter your first warband of kerghit horse archers with poison arrows.

i can not remember when in history poison was that common that it was used by regular warbands/troops.
it was more a thing of assassins and jungle folks and the latter used it primarily for hunting than warfare (at least if you dont call petty tribal rivalries between naked guys "organized warfare")

also it doesent fit in the honor-like attitude of mounted troops which were considered beeing elite troops in all ages. maybe we should leave the poison stuff to the first "Venom&Blade" Mod *G*
how about instead of poison weapons, which sound abit magicy, they made the rusty ones diesease you or summat like that? and mb there should be an addition of a hospital in each town so instead of just resting in a tavern, to make it more realisic... or am i just being silly? :razz:
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