SP - General Please, Taleworlds, download Party Screen Enhancements from nexusmods and implement it in full into the game

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There's just no defence how horrid the UI in the game is, especially now that it's been 1.5 years since the early access had started.
I've just tried 1.6.5 beta for which the mod from the title does not work and after playing with the mod for a week the game without it is borderline unplayable. Please, Taleworlds, listen to your community, if you can't find UI designers for your game just take the mods and implement them as is into the game, I am sure if you ask the modmaker of that mod he'd agree to turn over the code for free if u cant infer it from the mod files.

There's just really no defence for having your game's playability depend on random mods from your userbase, especially when every incremental patch, which you release at least once a month, breaks like half of these mods.
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