Please remove the rank system for captains and skirmish

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It has literally destroyed the captains mode community and now everyone would rather play customs, however there aren't enough custom servers.

Make random queueing great again by getting rid of the ranked system and the leave penalty where the entire game draws
the whole multiplayer is in a bit of a sorry state. I can't beleive this is the full release, at gamescon TW said they were happy with multiplayer. I guess this is it
Remember when games came out and they were actually finished?
The best example of this is fighting games. I remember when you bought a fighting game and played it to unlock characters. Nowadays you buy a game and it's a base version that will cost 2-3x more to unlock the whole roster. Steam early access was the start. It's been a boon to devs, allowing them to cash in early, but a bane to consumers.
cmon doomers, lets just give some constructive criticism that we can all agree on rather than victimize ourselves eh.

Who agrees:
- Remove the draw feature when someone leaves the game in pre-game lobby
- Improve the "estimated wait time" back to how many players are in the queue
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