Please have pity on me....

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I'm a poor guy living in Australia with no credit card. I've been looking for a way to play this game for the past 12 hours and i'm tired and hungry and can't think of any way other than to beg people here to send me a serial. I know the serial will work for 2 ppl, each one. So if anyone feels kindly towards me email me one and i will be forever grateful, and if i ever see anyone from taleworlds i will give them $16 (aus) to pay for it.

To outline my situation: i currently have 5 level 6 characters... All different, and with every one i desperately tried to stay at level 5 but couldn't help reaching level 6....

I need this game....

Please someone have mercy....

My email is [email protected]
You didn' have to post in two places. And no one will give you a code there are treads like this all the time.
You're the first one to ever ask this. I never thought peolpe would ask for someone elses serial.
...You're tired and hungry and poor and therefore blowing your money on a computer game?

I don't think this is the investment you're looking for.
I'd rather starve to death playing this game than die with only ever reaching level 6.
it's ok, i won't post here any more. I'm sure i'll figure it out sometime. Like how to use paypal or something. Thanks for all your help tho sky you've been great, a really good image you're putting forward for the game, a true ambassador of the community who play it and a role model for anyone aspiring to be a forum administrator.
Tee... do you have a bank account?

If you do and have the money then set up a paypal account.
If you don't and have the money then set up a bank account.
If you have money but can't get a bank account, get somebody you know (friend, family, whatever - not us) to do it for you.
If you don't have the money then save up until you do.

I keep repeating this in every thread. Pavlov I think you should really sticky a thread about how to pay with paypal. Or even better get Armagan to create a page on the web-site about it.
:smile: thanks. The only problem was i didn't know that paypal existed and thought the only way to do things online was with a credit card which i'm scared of getting and have nightmares about.
If you're scared of getting your details stolen contact your bank. Some of them have schemes where they give you a special number for use on the internet. After each purchase the number automatically and randomly changes. I haven't tried it yet but I am looking into it for future purchases online.
it's ok, i won't post here any more. I'm sure i'll figure it out sometime. Like how to use paypal or something. Thanks for all your help tho sky you've been great, a really good image you're putting forward for the game, a true ambassador of the community who play it and a role model for anyone aspiring to be a forum administrator.

Good God, get off your bloody cross. If you're the kind of person who'd rather beg than pay, I can't see why anyone would want to present you a 'good image'.

I'm Australian too. I paid. Do the words "scab" or "bludger" mean anything to you?
My bank gave me special card (not a credit one but dedicated to internet purchases)
I can reload and unload it so for most time the reachable balance is 0
if I want to buy sth I load and pay online
then I can take all remaining money
even if sb would like to steal numbers there is no possibility for stealing money
BTW it is not credit card so 0 on card means no buying.
I bought about 2 dozens of time all over the world and have no single problem in accepting this card

so ask banks about special services dedicated internet - they have it in arsenal - especially internet banking should have it
if you ask how you will find
You don't need credit card and you don't need PayPal to pay for this game
there are other ways :grin:
Tee said:
I'm a poor guy living in Australia with no credit card. I've been looking for a way to play this game for the past 12 hours and i'm tired and hungry and can't think of any way other than to beg people here to send me a serial. I know the serial will work for 2 ppl, each one. So if anyone feels kindly towards me email me one and i will be forever grateful, and if i ever see anyone from taleworlds i will give them $16 (aus) to pay for it.

To outline my situation: i currently have 5 level 6 characters... All different, and with every one i desperately tried to stay at level 5 but couldn't help reaching level 6....

I need this game....

Please someone have mercy....

My email is [email protected]

Australia isn't a third world country.
^exactly. If he is poor, then how the **** does he have a computer capable of running M&B?
sheek said:
Tee... do you have a bank account?

If you do and have the money then set up a paypal account.
If you don't and have the money then set up a bank account.
If you have money but can't get a bank account, get somebody you know (friend, family, whatever - not us) to do it for you.
If you don't have the money then save up until you do.

I keep repeating this in every thread. Pavlov I think you should really sticky a thread about how to pay with paypal. Or even better get Armagan to create a page on the web-site about it.

I didn't pay with paypal so I can't give direct instructions, but if you did, and you want to make a step by step or whatnot, I would gladly sticky it.

BTW, if you ever need anything or have a similar comment or idea, PM me.
Tee said:
it's ok, i won't post here any more. I'm sure i'll figure it out sometime. Like how to use paypal or something. Thanks for all your help tho sky you've been great, a really good image you're putting forward for the game, a true ambassador of the community who play it and a role model for anyone aspiring to be a forum administrator.

Yes dammit, sky may not be the nicest in saying his oppinion, but he IS an ambassador of the community, cause what you are doing (asking for a serial) is illegal and ruins the developers of this game.

And you still have the nerve to throw your sarcasm at him for saying you should get banned? Damn, you really should get banned as well as everyone else who comes begging for a serial number.

You know you could investigate how you can pay before coming here and trying to do something that damages the devs!!

Arghhh, now im just like sky...... :sad:
Sell one of your kidneys. Then you can buy a really great computer, Mount and Blade and any other game you want for the next couple of years.
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