LAAT501legion said:
I have been following this topic with interest, and I have to say I'm impressed with the amount of features, however I want to do a bit of constructive criticism. As a napoleonic period fan, I think that the troops are too generic. What do I mean by generic you might ask?
Looking at the screenshots, the troops seem to be things like "French Conscript", "French Fusilier", "French Voltigeur", basically a nation prefix and a troop type. If you compare this to the mod 1812-1815, you will see that, for example, for french line infantry it goes like this:
13e rgt Fusiliers de Ligne -> 21 Rgt Fusiliers de Ligne -> 4 Rgt Grenadiers de Ligne -> 2e Tiralleurs de la Jeune Garde -> 3e Flanquer-Grenadier jeune Garde or 2e Grenadier de la Garde
I don't know what other think about this, but in my opinion a more detailed troop tree is better (Altought it's also a lot more of work)
Hello! Welcome to this topic
Thank you for your feedback. Yes I know, the troops are a bit generic. But do you know we have more than 21 factions. And over 100 types of uniforms. If I use the system of 1812-1815 I have to add more uniforms probably.
Also not everyone is a Napoleon period fan. This means that the troops trees must be generic and not too detailed. More than 9/10 of all people don't even know the difference between voltigeur and fusilier or hussar and cuirassiers.
Hell no, that: "13e rgt Fusiliers de Ligne -> 21 Rgt Fusiliers de Ligne" is not going to be happen in my mod.
Anyway thank you for your suggestion! Constructive criticism is always welcome