Captured Joe said:Yes! YES!
I can give another similiar helmet to a Bavarian unit, but this little state does have only 3 troops =p.
Captured Joe said:Yes! YES!
Quintillius said:I need Bjorne. to make this sticky and it seems he haven't been active since a long time .
I don't think I can launch the mod after Christmas or even October. It would be rather in January / February since real life keeps me very busy.
But don't worry. I will release a béta !
I think your 'firearms' profiency is lower than theirs, so that your reloading time is longer, your accuracy and damage is less. Try shooting more stuff to raise your profiency.jay stirling said:Guys this Mod is great only thing is reload times need to increase alot, i notice that it take me over 10 seconds longer to reload a baker rifle than it does for a british rifleman to ...... when we both shoot at the same time so seriously WTF???
jay stirling said:Guys this Mod is great only thing is reload times need to increase alot, i notice that it take me over 10 seconds longer to reload a baker rifle than it does for a british rifleman to ...... when we both shoot at the same time so seriously WTF??? also why do i get "runtime error" when playing this mod ?? ive never had this once in any other of my 10+ downloaded mods ... please try to find a fix for this ... Thanks jay