SP - General Playing after World Unification: Suggestion.

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My suggestion is about giving purpose to a playthrough who has essentially been 'completed'.
The main reason people would quit a long playthrough is that after world unification there is nothing more to do.

There has in past bannerlord devblogs been talking about a Bandit/Gang system, this would be a great remedy.

For players who stand against insurmountable odds there needs to be a system of subversion;
A way of dwindling forces, inciting rebellion of towns, recruiting lawless bandits etc.

Even before a world unification occurs this system would be greatly enjoyed by many.

It can be expanded in many ways e.g. traits of vassals being made 'Corrupt' giving benefits;
Revealing war goals and armies, siphoning troops, stealing money, turning sides at pivotal points or with no risk to be revealed and perhaps even more.

I'm sure I can think of many more suggestions that would give depth to this way of life post-unification.
And more in-detail suggestions of how it could potentially be implemented.
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