Player crafted weapons are ending up for sale at markets despite never being sold.

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ver 1.1.2

Giving smithing a second go, all the weapons I craft are either equipped to myself or companions or smelted back down for experience, yet after a few in game days/weeks, random marketplaces are filled with copies of crafted weapons I never sold.

I demand they either cease selling copies of my weapon designs, or pay me royalties for their use.
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I agree with this only for the simple fact that there are some weapons that are simply just made for grinding up the skill or for finding recipes. The market gets saturated with poorly crafted weapons.
Oh, now I understand why I found crafted swords in city I never was before. Same as OP I smelt all I forge.
I forged a sword named Excalibur. Only one of those is in my posession and it suddenly is there for sale for 190k + . Who is copying my art ? :grin:
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