Player characters -- what they represent, how to develop them

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Your account in this game represents a family -- the patriarch and heirs, but also cousins, trusted retainers, etc. That's how you can be in many places at once, 'survive' terrible wounds, etc.

Your score in the game is converted into renown and gold. You can spend this to upgrade your social status, allowing you access to new troop types both for yourself and your retinue.

You can upgrade your...
1) Landed estate, and your status as a noble
2) Your trade network, and your standing in the cities
3) Your alliances with any local tribes
4) Your reputation as a folk hero with the commons

Landowner (10 levels):
Lvl 3: Allows you to play as heavy cavalry. Lets you deploy tier 3 hc in your retinue
Lvl 6: Lets you deploy tier 4 hc in your retinue
Lvl 9: Lets you deploy tier 5 hc in your retinue

Commons (3 levels):
Lvl 1: Lets you deploy tier 3 sp, li, and sk in your retinue
Lvl 2: Lets you deploy tier 4 sp, li, and sk in your retinue
Lvl 3: Lets you deploy tier 5 sp, li, and sk in your retinue

Tribal (3 levels):
Lvl 1: Lets you play as horse archer, for Orthodox and Khaganate. Lets you deploy tier 3 sk, lc, and ha (if you have them) in your retinue
Lvl 2: Lets you deploy tier 4 sk, lc, and ha (if you have them) in your retinue
Lvl 3: Lets you deploy tier 5 sk, lc, and ha (if you have them) in your retinue

Urban (3 levels):
Lvl 1: Lets you play as heavy infantry (Latins, Steppe, Orthodox) or missile infantry (Latins, Arabs). Lets you deploy tier 3 sp, mi, and hi (the latter two if you them) in your retinue
Lvl 2: Lets you deploy tier 4 sp, mi, and hi (the latter two if you them) in your retinue
Lvl 3: Lets you deploy tier 5 sp, mi, and hi (the latter two if you them) in your retinue


There are eight categories of troops. Bots are also ranked for their tier. Tier 1 are troops with no affinity for combat, 2 are inexperienced, 3 are experienced, 4 are veterans, and 5 are champions. Players always have stats roughly equivalent to a tier 4 bot.

Categories are:

Spearmen (sp) -- Some of the best defensive troops, with high shield skills. Usually fight in formation.
Light infantry (li) -- Most infantry that is not trained to fight in formation. They are fast and have shields, one-handed weapons, and javelins.
Skirmish infantry (sk) -- Armed with missile weapons, and trained to avoid melee.
Light Cavalry (lc) -- Fairly cheap to outfit, for a player. From tier 3 and up they are equipped with javelins.
Missile infantry (mi) -- Different then skirmish infantry in that they are trained to receive a charge, and have melee capacity and are equipped with shields. Historical examples: English archers, Genoese crossbowmen. Used by Latins and Muslims. Right now, they are always crossbowmen.
Heavy infantry (hi) -- Equipped with two-handed weapons. Often deployed within spear formations to smash up the enemy line. Used by Latins, the Orthodox, and the Khaganate.
Horse archers (ha) -- Horsemen with bows, who are trained to use them while moving. Used by the Orthodox and the Khaganate.
Heavy cavalry (hc) -- Armored cavalry armed with lances. For a player, they require a lot of money to be equipped effectively. Used by all factions.
...This are my "income levels":...
Showing income levels in Italia

Base gold income from land = 250
Base influence income from land = 50
Base investment income from land = 20
Total conflict levels: -12%
Total land levels in province: 18, capacity: 160 penalty: -0%
Final gold and investment modifier: 88%
Final influence modifier: 100%
Final gold from land: 220
Final investment from land: 18
Final influence from land: 50

Base gold income from urban ties = 300
Base influence income from urban ties = 30
Base investment income from urban ties = 60
Total conflict levels: -12%
Total urban levels in province: 10, capacity: 89 penalty: -0%
Final gold and investment modifier: 88%
Final influence modifier: 100%
Final gold from urban: 264
Final investment from urban: 53
Final influence from urban: 30

Base gold income from tribal ties = 100
Base influence income from tribal ties = 20
Base investment income from tribal ties = 0
Total tribal levels in province: 8, capacity: 0 penalty: -8%
Total conflict levels: -12%
Final gold and investment modifier: 80%
Final influence modifier: 92%
Final gold from tribal: 80
Final investment from tribal: 0
Final influence from tribal: 18

Annual income:
Total gold received: 564
Total investment received: 71
Total influence received: 98 can i undestand what level of "Landowner", "Commons", "Tribal" and "Urban" is my pg now...?

how do I change my faction? I moved from egypt to france and it said I might lose land because I wasn't french
are the factions that are played on maps random generated? is that what determines yor equipment selection??or is it tied tothe meta-site?
Yay for the new version.
I haven't played this mod for quite a while, but it is amazing. I have only a one problem - can I change my house name?
Played around quite a bit with the "updated" system, here's what I've found: Each Fief gives 1000 wealth and 100 influence per "year"
Fief development said:
Fortress level: max 2
Temple level: max 2
Market level: max 1
Stable level: max 1
  • Fortress: These allow you to field superior retinues (tier 4 Veteran and tier 5 Elite) for the appropriate faction.
  • Temple: These give additional influence
    [list type=decimal]
  • No Temple: 100 influence
  • Small Temple: 200 influence
  • Large Temple: 300 influence

[*]Market: Raises wealth income to 1500 from 1000. Probably allows urban troops.
[*]Stables: Probably allows estate troops.
So I have a number of fiefs, mostly with the Houses. Here's what I can field:
Troop types allowed from fiefs said:
Elite estate troops (heavy cavalry)
Regular tribal troops (light cavalry and infantry)
Regular urban troops (heavy or missile infantry)
Default troops
I guess I'm suppose to get fiefs from the Leagues or Confederacies for Urban and Tribal fiefs?
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