Player bonuses to skills

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I've noticed that you are shown +1 or +2 in the party screen when you view who has the highest skill, and its your main character who does.

However, having now modded M&B and played it for a little over 2 months, I have yet to see one drop or stitch of code that actually applies the +1 or +2.

They're BS, aren't they?

Does anyone have any evidence that they're actually counted in your favor (that you actually get the bonuses) ever?  Anywhere?  At all? :???:
What is BS? :???:
The bonuses are hardcoded I think. I would check if they are actually applied by calling script that gets party skill level and prints it out.
when I wear an item that gives a leadership bonus the amount I have to pay my troops goes down so unless your talking about some other bonus, it seems to work.
BS = bull **** (untruth, falsehood, lie, etc...)

Hmm... I guess for the hard coded ones maybe they work.  But for example, when you have 4 or 5 engineering, the time it takes to finish projects are based on 4 or 5 engineering, not 6 or 7 (which it should be, due to the +2).  In the module system, the party's engineering is reported as the raw value, not the adjusted one, from what I've seen.

I was hoping someone could give me clear evidence of how its correctly done / used in the module code someplace (or an agreement that yes, its broken).
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