SP - Player, NPCs & Troops Player as non-clan head and joining existing clans as member

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Allowing the player to be in a clan, whether the player clan or any other existing clan as a member rather than the clan head.
- To achieve this, renown and influence would have to be partially untethered from the clan, so the clan renown/influence is cumulative and individual renown and influence is counted as contribution to the clan.
A selection could be held within the clan upon death of the clan leader or a prompt from the player to select a new clan head.
This selection would be based on individual contributions to the clan, including personal wealth, influence and renown as well as relationship with clan members and powerful/influential clans in the same kingdom.
This would make sense particularly for players starting from 20 years old with existing clan family members. Further, when joining existing clans, it gives the player the opportunity to become the head of this existing clan through contributions to that clan. This would still not be easy as existing members with start with an advantage in terms of contribution to the joining player.
I believe this would be a quite fundamental change, but would add another layer of challenge as well as fun to the clan mechanics. I doubt this could be achieved with mods, but it would be an essential mod if so.
This feature would be especially great for total conversion mods with powerful historical clans, like Royal Factions in Medieval European TCs, or Dynastic Clans like Tokugawa or Qin in Asian TCs.

Please let me know if this is impossible in the game engine or a terrible idea in general. :smile:
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