Planting the seeds of a little idea

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Hya folks; just a quick query.

First things first; i am not a modder and ...yes.... i am a bit of a noob.

What i wanted to ask was; with the most exellent mount and musket mod and the age of false innocence mod some genius has made it so that the musketeer stands with his musket on his shoulder and when said musketeer is moving he holds his musket so that it is pointing up in the air. I just wondered if it was possible to do a similar sort of thing with pikes and halberds or other polearms in native or other mods (this would look great in eagle and the radiant cross with the pikes  :wink: ) In my most humble opinion i think it would look rather realistic and effective.


Thats the kind of thing i mean  :smile:

Anyway; sorry to bother you, thanks

ps. sorry if i did anthing wrong
Yes, that would be possible and fairly cool, even. But not many people have the skill and patience needed to mod animations. :razz:
Haha! thats true about the glasses. Thanks for getting back to me, i wasnt sure how difficult it would be. But yes i think it would look good
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