Picking up items on battlefield: And keeping

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I had a look through frequently requested ideas, and the only similar idea has already been implemented, and this is a simple improvement upon that.

When you find items on the battlefield, you pick them up, and can use them during that battle. But after the battle, you lose those items.

I understand perfectly why this is the way it is;

People can lose horses, because if their horse dies and they get on another, it will effectively 'delete' their old horse
People can lose shields, because when it gets broken, you often pick up another
And you can lose a weapon by accident too

But thats not what i'm suggesting

So, my idea:

If you have a free weapon slot upon entering a battle, you can use this to pick up an item in the battle. Because the weapon slot is free, you cannot lose anything. This means people with a low looting skill can at least get something out of battles against high tier troops, and it makes the player consider leaving one weapon slot open.

The same goes for 2 free weapon slots, it just means you can pick up 2 items from the battlefield.

It only works if you have free slots. if you are using all of your weapon slots, it works the way it does now.

Could work for horses if you do not have one equipped before the battle
Currently accessing inventory mid-battle removes any picked up weapons in empty slots, this will not change (to prevent people picking up loot and putting it into their inventory and re-doing it)

The flaws:

If i had a sword, a crossbow, bolts and one free weapon slot upon entering a battle, i could pick one item up. If i pick up a board shield, and then i drop my sword for an axe, which item do i get to keep at the end of the battle: the board shield or the axe?

The answer is simple; The items you start off with are bound to your character. It allows you to pick up one item, as your 4th slot item, and because your first 3 slots are bound to the character. If you pick up the board shield first, it becomes your 4th slot item. If you swap your sword for an axe, you are just exchanging one first slot item for another, and at the end of the battle it will revert it back to the sword (like it does currently). But because the 4th slot was empty, it means whatever occupies that slot at the end of the battle you get to keep.

So tell me what you think, give feedback/adjustments etc. :smile:
Awesome idea!

Wouldn't it unbalance the looting skill though... The one or two items you pick up during the battle may actually be worth more than what you receive from the Looting skill.
I like this idea, but I would like for there to also be a way to drop something. I can't count the number of times I've tried to grab the "Tempered Sword of War" my battle tank (Alayen) dropped, but instead wind up with a Short Spear, which causes me to drop my shield. I can't spend several seconds in the middle of a fight to grab my shield again, the sword I want, and make sure I lose the spear. I'd like to be able to hit Numpad 1 for slot one, then press the - key on the numpad to drop.
killer-blead said:
wouldn't it be better if you just get a 100% chance of getting the same item you picked up in the battlefield getting it at the end of the battle as loot?

I suppose that would make sense. It would only apply to weapons, and often its the enemy armour that is most valuable, so it wouldn't change the game that much.

Scrap my idea, i like that one better  :lol:
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