Picking up Enemies' Weapons

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Hi there,

I don't know if it would be really hard, but a great idea for this great game would be to allow the player to take the weapons of dead (or unconscious) enemies.

Like, on tournament, when you got one enemy down, and there's a bowman left, it would be REALLY GREAT to be able to catch the shield that lies on the ground, smiling at you...

P.S: For the forum's veterans that will tell me "BLABLABLA ALREADY A POST ABOUT THAT BLABLABLA" i'd like to tell that i've made the effort to search, but found nothing.

P.S.2: This game is clearly great. Keep up the good work.
A good idea. (I'd also like to be able to throw away unused weapons.) There are many good ideas, but unfortunately, Armagan doesn't have an infinite amount of time. He's got to prioritize.

Also, perhaps you should try searching the suggestions forum for suggestions in the future. :wink:

Crazed Rabbit

P.S. I heartily agree with P.S.2.

P.S.S. It should, however, be P.S.S. instead of P.S.2 :wink:
It would be an interesting feature to be able to pick up - while in combat -a weapon from a fallen combatant and use it yourself right then and there.

It's both realistic and useful, though how it would much effort it would take to allow it, I don't know. I just finished a mission in GTA: San Andreas and picking up extra ammo and weapons from a fallen gangster really saved me (but that's beside the point) and that game has a neat way of representing that: the idle weapon floats in the air signifying its availability. I suppose that reduces the need to code a specific "pickup weapon animation."

For myself, it's not a particularly high priority "thing I'd like to see" but worth thinking about.
i agree but i for one hate the gta "mysteriously floating weapon" system - stick to a faint glow or something if this is ever implemented so as not to ruin the realism.
Whatever. The GTA example was just something that ocurred to me at the time in any case. Naturally, someone's compelled to hate it. Typical.
I think it shouldn't be just walk over the floating icon thing.

It should required you to bend down like reloading a crossbow to pick up the weapon on the ground. In doing so, it should make your shield if any useless and render you temporarily vulnerable.

I personally hate things disappearing but to take a while to get it instead of instantaneous would be good.

Please do not have Quake style backpack flying through air to land somewhere inconvienient for you to pick up kinda thing. That really ruins the realism.
I would say just leave the weapon on the corpse model the way it is now. No need to have the weapon eject violently from the corpse or give it a glow or anything -- that would strike me as an unrealistic touch to an otherwise very realistic game.

I would say just have it so that if you stand over a corpse, look down, wait for a pop-up and then click the action key, you'll pick up whatever is in the enemy's weapon slot (as long as you have a free slot to put it in that is). Between the fact you're taking your eyes off the battle, and the delay between when you look down and when the action popup appears, I'd say that would cover the need to have the player temporarily vulnerable while they're stripping weapons. That, and it wouldn't require additional animations or anything.

Just one hitch. If the enemy's weapon was a bow, you may also need to be able to pick up their arrows. So, I'd say same deal: wait for another pop-up, then hit action again to pick up the item from the next weapon slot.
i don't think you should need an empty weapon slot. i'd like if it just replaced the weapon you're holding. of course, if you have an empty slot, your current weapon should be placed in it. and i like the use key idea best, because it matches with taking enemy horses.
Why not just have their inventory screen pop up along with yours? Just like looting a corpse on morrowind. There could be a delay when you bend down, but after a second or so, the game pauses and loads the loot screen so you can move stuff around as you see fit, then when you exit, the game unpauses but you still take a second to stand back up. It should only open the character equipment screen, not the entire inventory screen though. Also, it would probably make sense that no matter what you pick up during a battle, once it is over you revert back to your starting equipment (to prevent exploiting the system to get rich quick).

You said petard.

Anyway, my opinion is that if we stick to a faint glow on the floor, we could go RPG-Sacred style, hald ALT to see all the items that you're able to pick up, and press A to pick then all up within a certain range. Incorporating the floaty weapon idea, hold ALT and the item's name a picture would appear, clicking on it would tell the character to go and pick it up.
I take it no-one has ever heard the phrase 'never take an untried weapon into battle.'?

If picking up dead enemy weapons is going to be added then I think the quality of the weapon should be unknown till the battle is over.
Possibly even giving it a penalty to use for the duration of the battle... (say x - weapon master skill)
Meh. That seems unnecessarily cruel. A weapon is a weapon. Maybe only penalty for speed as you aren't used to the balance.

Any veteran player should know the weapon from its shape and look anyhow.
Would be cool to be able to pick up "freed" horses, too. First time I lost my horse, of course, my first reflex was to run to the closest horse standing alone, taking for granted I could ride on that one, but no :razz:
Heyyy! Brainwave! (HI BRAIN!)

If you find something that it not in the shops on the battle field, you should take it to the appropriate (sorry for the spelling mistakes, even though I have every word in the english language in my hand) merchant, you will get a huge juicy reward in denars, if you take a weaaon to the blacksmith (if you add one!), he won't give you as much in denars, but he'll give you the same item but three times as powerful. From then on, all the correct Merchants in the immediate area will start selling that item. I think this calls for some special items to be added...
3 times? That seems extremely unbalancing. Typically when stick with +3's and maybe +5's but tripling is just extreme.
While this would be a fun feature, why would you want to pick up a dead guys weapon? I mean after all, you just killed him, so whatever you're doing is working more effectively. The most useful way I see to use this would be looting arrows and other ammunition from fallen foes.
Now maybe if we added disarming to the game, this might be an important feature. Perhaps when you get knocked down there would be an x% chance of dropping your weapon. Or there could be a special disarming attack, or perhaps high damage attacks would force you to drop your weapon/shield. Although it would have to work both ways.
I know if I got my Balanced Sword of War knocked out of my hands, I wouldn't mind picking up a hatchet rather than dying because I am unarmed.
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