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Although it's fun to charge someone on a horse and have them fall down, it'd be ALOT more fun for them to actually get slammed back. As it is, people tend to just fall down wherever you hit them. I want to see reactions to how you hit them. If I crossbow a man in the head, I want to see him fall backwards, maybe roll off the hill.
Ragdoll physics would OWN.

But I guess that's something for M&B 3.

Edit: hmm, quite funny to see that even though me and Llandy joined on the same day, I have nearly 5 times her post count. :razz:
Lol, yeah they would own
believe me, it IS a lot of work to add physics.. you have te set properties for every single object, let alone the forces what manipulate them. I kinda tried it once, but it got all screwed up
imho it would be too much effort and in return would give too little consequences. There arent so many ways you could use physics (please dont start a list of what you can do and start imagining what you cant do:p)
I notice that when you break someone's shield, it acts like a physics object and rolls around. So is there already some sort of physics engine in the game?
Bigwig said:
I notice that when you break someone's shield, it acts like a physics object and rolls around. So is there already some sort of physics engine in the game?

Yep, there's a rigid body dynamics system I wrote way back when I had too much time. :wink: Unfortunately it doesn't support joints, therefore it's still non-trivial to add ragdoll effects.
Can't you buy a ridiculously expensive license for the Havok Physics engine? Or is that something you would have had to do from the start?
Garth said:
Can't you buy a ridiculously expensive license for the Havok Physics engine? Or is that something you would have had to do from the start?

Or use something like ODE or ogre or whatever it was called the free open source engine thingy.
Yes, I could use one of those but it would still take lots of time to integrate it to the game engine and I'd better use that time on improving the AI or polishing the gameplay. So I probably won't be able to add Ragdoll physics.
Yea i guess so. Complete ragdoll physics wouldnt be IMO that important, but having people act in the same way as domino bricks that tip over when charged, like having "1joint at the bottom of their feet" would be more than enough. And if pushed too little they would simply backpedal and not fall over, something like that.
Cataphract said:
Or use something like ODE or ogre or whatever it was called the free open source engine thingy.
I think ODE doesn't really have a ragdoll support as such, it probably supports joints but that's still a long way to a working ragdoll engine.

Overally it would be great, but remember that a complex physic engine 1) is quite a CPU consuming part of a game, 2) is working very bad on lower framerates (stuff falling through ground, stuff bumping off in very unrealistic fashion, etc.)
Physics? Well, study the physics engine of OFP and then make use of it will be a wise decision.

PS: OFP is short for Operation Flashpoint. Its physics engine is really fantastic. Anyway, the game is designed to be the trainer in the army originally.
I don't think it's a matter of styding. Half-Life 2 (havok) has fantastic physics too. The point is that writing physic algorithms is plain hard and time consuming. And since M&B isn't a big commercial project, time is better spent on ballancing and game improvements/additions that are less complex.
And now that I think about it, the only aspect of the game that a physics engine would really affect is projectile weapons, which seem to work fine as it is. Everything else (soldiers collapsing realistically, dead horses rolling down hills) would be nice eye candy and unnecessary hard work and precious time.
Garth said:
And now that I think about it, the only aspect of the game that a physics engine would really affect is projectile weapons, which seem to work fine as it is. Everything else (soldiers collapsing realistically, dead horses rolling down hills) would be nice eye candy and unnecessary hard work and precious time.

Why is it that people think physics is just eye candy (not directed on you offensively) close quarter fighting would require quite alot of physics to be realistic. You dont see the physics all the time. Charging with 20 heavy infantry into 10 peasants should rock them back quite a bit, hitting them hard in the middle would make it possible run through them. Same goes for cavalry, in M&B ATM a charging horse can run over a 1000man close ranked unit.
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