Phalanx/Shield Wall/Pikemen-Anti Cavalry

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I have noticed this time and again. Cavalry are just too powerful in this game. Their strength on the feudal field was tempered by a "phalanx" of pikemen, who form up crowded in their ranks and hold up spears several metres long, making a huge hedgehog that cavalry cannot charge into. Anyone who has played any of the total wars will understand.

The rhodok spearmen could fulfill this function with a bit of formation work (which is discussed elsewhere) but I think that an even better innovation would be to have special units, perhaps a step up from spearmen, who carry very long pikes and prevent a frontal cavalry charge. They should be able to gather in a circle formation to prevent flanking, and they should be vulnerable to missile fire (as they carry no sheilds and cannot move fast while in tight formation).

Before making a suggestion please visit the sticky " Frequent suggestions and links (Read well before posting!) " just so you know if its wise to post a "seemingly" original idea. (im not judging you just helping out)

because its actually posted alot.
I do the trick with clustered heavy infantry. AND there are mods that implement spear bracing, but I would love to see a command for a realy shieldwall or something like that...
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