Petition against new gaming laws that will greatly harm gaming development.

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Greetings everyone, as we all know, since the rise of the modern day republican, our human rights have been unbalanced and also at risk. So it is important to stand up to them when they try to take away our freedom of speech and expression. Now, this is hurting the whole world, since a lot of good developers are American, and if this is passed, UK is bound to hang along. So it's up to the little people, whereas to say us, to use the only weapon we have against them: Democracy.

Take five damn minutes of your life to sign this petition, it's the least you can do for humanity, and if you feel you wanna help out more, spread the word.

Oh, and, I'm not gonna bother discussing this here, got way too much to do, either sign, or don't. But rest assured, if you don't sign it, videogames will be nothing but a thing of the past. Titles such as GTA, Medal of Honor, Gears of War, Call of Duty, Half-Life, Halo, and the like will disapear, since this law prohibits the slighest but of provoking thought or expression to be part of your gaming experience. Truth is, half-life is a good example of what's going on now, because the first step to getting in to a state of such opression, is to take away the freedom of speech, and once they have gaming, they might go after movies, books, broadcasting... What stands in their way?

Well, hopefully you.
I dunno, seems to me any major American developer would just scoot over and move their business elsewhere if they feel these 'new gaming laws' (I have read approx half the first post and have not clicked the link. :razz:) would cost them too much profit. Also, perhaps this could be the chance for new developers to rise further. :razz: There's some Dutch ones that I know of, and a certain Turkish developer that I'd love to see more famous.
Vinze said:
Oh, and, I'm not gonna bother discussing this here, got way too much to do, either sign, or don't. But rest assured, if you don't sign it, videogames will be nothing but a thing of the past. Titles such as GTA, Medal of Honor, Gears of War, Call of Duty, Half-Life, Halo, and the like will disapear, since this law prohibits the slighest but of provoking thought or expression to be part of your gaming experience. Truth is, half-life is a good example of what's going on now, because the first step to getting in to a state of such opression, is to take away the freedom of speech, and once they have gaming, they might go after movies, books, broadcasting... What stands in their way?

Well, hopefully you.

"My name is Niko Bellic, not only am I from Eastern Europe I am also an agent that expresses thought provoking ideas and radical original concepts through the interpretive beatings of prostitutes with this golf club."

Swadius said:
Vinze said:
Oh, and, I'm not gonna bother discussing this here, got way too much to do, either sign, or don't. But rest assured, if you don't sign it, videogames will be nothing but a thing of the past. Titles such as GTA, Medal of Honor, Gears of War, Call of Duty, Half-Life, Halo, and the like will disapear, since this law prohibits the slighest but of provoking thought or expression to be part of your gaming experience. Truth is, half-life is a good example of what's going on now, because the first step to getting in to a state of such opression, is to take away the freedom of speech, and once they have gaming, they might go after movies, books, broadcasting... What stands in their way?

Well, hopefully you.

"My name is Niko Bellic, not only am I from Eastern Europe I am also an agent that induces thought provoking ideas and radical concepts through the expression of beating up a prostitute with this golf club."


"My name is MARCUS FENIX. Have you SEEN this new bill they're trying to pass?! It's like they're trying to sink the entire industry WITH A GIANT WORM! Take a minute of your time, and sign this damn petition so fellas like me can keep on doing what we love!"
FrisianDude said:
I dunno, seems to me any major American developer would just scoot over and move their business elsewhere if they feel these 'new gaming laws' (I have read approx half the first post and have not clicked the link. :razz:) would cost them too much profit. Also, perhaps this could be the chance for new developers to rise further. :razz: There's some Dutch ones that I know of, and a certain Turkish developer that I'd love to see more famous.

Yeah, but do you have opinions? Do you have a will? A personality?

They won't give up at this, it's a matter of principal, and if you don't do what's right for your fellow man, they took over cartoons, look at today's cartoons, it's pure crap due to how overly cencored it is, then look at the radio, nothing but crap, same law...

Trust me, this will end gaming, it's done it with so many other things.

But hey, atleast I can go to sleep at night, knowing I didn't just shrug it off with a simple "I'm sure it will work out.".
Swadius said:
Vinze said:
Oh, and, I'm not gonna bother discussing this here, got way too much to do, either sign, or don't. But rest assured, if you don't sign it, videogames will be nothing but a thing of the past. Titles such as GTA, Medal of Honor, Gears of War, Call of Duty, Half-Life, Halo, and the like will disapear, since this law prohibits the slighest but of provoking thought or expression to be part of your gaming experience. Truth is, half-life is a good example of what's going on now, because the first step to getting in to a state of such opression, is to take away the freedom of speech, and once they have gaming, they might go after movies, books, broadcasting... What stands in their way?

Well, hopefully you.

"My name is Niko Bellic, not only am I from Eastern Europe I am also an agent that induces thought provoking ideas and radical concepts through the expression of beating up prostitutes with this golf club."


It's the right to graphically portray the horrible disfigurement of a prostitute that makes the civilized world so great!
FrisianDude said:
I dunno, seems to me any major American developer would just scoot over and move their business elsewhere if they feel these 'new gaming laws' (I have read approx half the first post and have not clicked the link. :razz:) would cost them too much profit. Also, perhaps this could be the chance for new developers to rise further. :razz: There's some Dutch ones that I know of, and a certain Turkish developer that I'd love to see more famous.
It's a Supreme Court case, not a law, it is infinitely harder to get rid off. Though I believe that the OP has not read the law in question, as it merely prohibits sale to those under 18. Though I do bet that some states will outright ban it. It will not "end gaming" the Supreme Court doing something unconstitutional will not cause the universe to behave differently, it just means that you have to get an adult to buy your games for you.
Titan Uranus said:
FrisianDude said:
I dunno, seems to me any major American developer would just scoot over and move their business elsewhere if they feel these 'new gaming laws' (I have read approx half the first post and have not clicked the link. :razz:) would cost them too much profit. Also, perhaps this could be the chance for new developers to rise further. :razz: There's some Dutch ones that I know of, and a certain Turkish developer that I'd love to see more famous.
It's a Supreme Court case, not a law, it is infinitely harder to get rid off. Though I believe that the OP has not read the law in question, as it merely prohibits sale to those under 18. Though I do bet that some states will outright ban it.

Still... You should back me up on this.


Vinze said:
Titan Uranus said:
FrisianDude said:
I dunno, seems to me any major American developer would just scoot over and move their business elsewhere if they feel these 'new gaming laws' (I have read approx half the first post and have not clicked the link. :razz:) would cost them too much profit. Also, perhaps this could be the chance for new developers to rise further. :razz: There's some Dutch ones that I know of, and a certain Turkish developer that I'd love to see more famous.
It's a Supreme Court case, not a law, it is infinitely harder to get rid off. Though I believe that the OP has not read the law in question, as it merely prohibits sale to those under 18. Though I do bet that some states will outright ban it.

Still... You should back me up on this.


No ****, you're on the right side, but for the wrong reasons. You're being hysterical, this will in no way end gaming, or even make it hard to get games.
Titan Uranus said:
It's a Supreme Court case, not a law, it is infinitely harder to get rid off.
Wouldn't liquidizing your assets and then setting up shop elsewhere do just the trick? How much power does the Supweme Couwt have outside the US? :???: Can't be that much as to be able to impose laws on companies in other countries, surely.

Vinze said:
Yeah, but do you have opinions? Do you have a will? A personality?
No, I am a robot.
[me=FrisianDude]does robot dance.[/me]

Vinze said:
They won't give up at this, it's a matter of principle, and if you don't do what's right for your fellow man, they took over cartoons, look at today's cartoons, it's pure crap due to how overly censored it is, then look at the radio, nothing but crap, same law...

Trust me, this will end gaming, it's done it with so many other things.

But hey, at least I can go to sleep at night, knowing I didn't just shrug it off with a simple "I'm sure it will work out.".
[me=FrisianDude] does spelling-correcting robot dance.[/me]
Titan Uranus said:
Vinze said:
Titan Uranus said:
FrisianDude said:
I dunno, seems to me any major American developer would just scoot over and move their business elsewhere if they feel these 'new gaming laws' (I have read approx half the first post and have not clicked the link. :razz:) would cost them too much profit. Also, perhaps this could be the chance for new developers to rise further. :razz: There's some Dutch ones that I know of, and a certain Turkish developer that I'd love to see more famous.
It's a Supreme Court case, not a law, it is infinitely harder to get rid off. Though I believe that the OP has not read the law in question, as it merely prohibits sale to those under 18. Though I do bet that some states will outright ban it.

Still... You should back me up on this.


No ****, you're on the right side, but for the wrong reasons. You're being hysterical, this will in no way end gaming, or even make it hard to get games.

I see you're new to rabblerousing, it's all in motivation, a long, knit-picking lecture isn't very motivating...
Since when do on-line petitions do **** anyway? At least what I posted was a more-or-less viable solution. No Supreme Court is going to give one(1) rat's ass about an on-line petition.
FrisianDude said:
Since when do on-line petitions do **** anyway? At least what I posted was a more-or-less viable solution. No Supreme Court is going to give one(1) rat's ass about an on-line petition.

If it's done the right way, then yes.

It's clear you're at that stage of life where you're so incredebly skeptic so you're skeptic towards the skeptics themselves, thus siding you with the badguy.

Now, if you wanna worm out of it by being a lazy pessimist, fine by me. But I gotta go, so you'll have to rain on my parade some other time.
Vinze said:
Titan Uranus said:
Vinze said:
Titan Uranus said:
FrisianDude said:
I dunno, seems to me any major American developer would just scoot over and move their business elsewhere if they feel these 'new gaming laws' (I have read approx half the first post and have not clicked the link. :razz:) would cost them too much profit. Also, perhaps this could be the chance for new developers to rise further. :razz: There's some Dutch ones that I know of, and a certain Turkish developer that I'd love to see more famous.
It's a Supreme Court case, not a law, it is infinitely harder to get rid off. Though I believe that the OP has not read the law in question, as it merely prohibits sale to those under 18. Though I do bet that some states will outright ban it.

Still... You should back me up on this.


No ****, you're on the right side, but for the wrong reasons. You're being hysterical, this will in no way end gaming, or even make it hard to get games.

I see you're new to rabblerousing, it's all in motivation, a long, knit-picking lecture isn't very motivating...

Neither is an infantile rant filled with falsified claims. In any case, they don't say anything about exactly what they are going to do exactly. It's all very vague

EDIT: damn ninjas
You are overreacting...its only to prohibit the sale of violent video games to minors.....get off your highhorse, its not going to end gaming you tart.
FrisianDude said:
Titan Uranus said:
It's a Supreme Court case, not a law, it is infinitely harder to get rid of.
Wouldn't liquidizing your assets and then setting up shop elsewhere do just the trick? How much power does the Supreme Court have outside the US? :???: Can't be that much as to be able to impose laws on companies in other countries, surely.
They don't, and companies will not liquidate their assets, as it does not target Production and will almost certainly only allow age limits for games, as has been done before with other types of speech.

Vinze said:
I see you're new to rabblerousing, it's all in motivation, a long, knit-picking lecture isn't very motivating...
I know how to rouse the rabble, believe me, but I do not like allowing idiotic arguments to go unchallenged, no matter the side. The real problem is the erosion of freedom of speech, not the death of gaming.

Guys, if we all start trying to get a piece of this idiot's meat, no one's going to go home satisfied
Swadius said:
FrisianDude said:

Weren't you a head hunting witch doctor a few minutes prior?
Since when are the two incompatible? I should think being a robot actually helps head hunting. Witch doctoring perhaps slightly less, but not many witches around to play doctor with anyway.

Vinze said:
Now, if you wanna worm out of it by being a lazy pessimist, fine by me. But I gotta go, so you'll have to rain on my parade some other time.
So now actually giving a semi-helpful suggestion is being a lazy pessimist and posting on a forum you've never been before to get people to sign an on-line petition helps? My, this world sure is changing. My, oh my. Oh, my.

Also, were I a rain cloud, I'd not consider your parade worth raining on. >:I

Titan Uranus said:
FrisianDude said:
Titan Uranus said:
It's a Supreme Court case, not a law, it is infinitely harder to get rid of.
Wouldn't liquidizing your assets and then setting up shop elsewhere do just the trick? How much power does the Supreme Court have outside the US? :???: Can't be that much as to be able to impose laws on companies in other countries, surely.
They don't, and companies will not liquidate their assets, as it does not target Production and will almost certainly only allow age limits for games, as has been done before with other types of speech.
Yeah, like I said, I didn't read the link, I was merely going by what the OP is saying and thinking a bit ahead. If it is indeed just an age limit I'm all for and do not see the problem at all. Although, what would be the criteria they are going to limit on?

Dammit, I'm going to have to click that link just to see what it's about, aren't I?
FrisianDude said:
Titan Uranus said:
FrisianDude said:
Titan Uranus said:
It's a Supreme Court case, not a law, it is infinitely harder to get rid of.
Wouldn't liquidizing your assets and then setting up shop elsewhere do just the trick? How much power does the Supreme Court have outside the US? :???: Can't be that much as to be able to impose laws on companies in other countries, surely.
They don't, and companies will not liquidate their assets, as it does not target Production and will almost certainly only allow age limits for games, as has been done before with other types of speech.
Yeah, like I said, I didn't read the link, I was merely going by what the OP is saying and thinking a bit ahead. If it is indeed just an age limit I'm all for and do not see the problem at all. Although, what would be the criteria they are going to limit on?

Dammit, I'm going to have to click that link just to see what it's about, aren't I?

The case looks to review a ruling by the Northern District that declared California law AB 1179 – a law created by California State Senator Leland Yee  which banned the sale of violent video games to anyone under age 18 and required clear labeling and signed into law by Gov. Schwarzenegger in 2005.

Now can we have an actual discussion while taking bites out of this idiot's flank?
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