Pet help!

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Hey guys, I bet a bunch of you have very well trained dogs, so I thought you'd be able to help me with this.

I have a 6month old puppy and I take him for a couple walks a day and he's mostly good... the issue is if he sees another dog in the distance, he just keeps staring at it.

For example, this morning on our walk a German Sheppard came out of its driveway and walked around on the footpath sniffing. Once my pup saw this he just refused to leave it alone, he stopped listening to me and he planted his ass and refused to move because he just became infatuated with it. Usually when this happens I have to wait for the other dog to leave his view then he'll come with me again, but the dog just kept walking around in full view. I ended up having to drag my pup home.

What do?!
What happens if you stand between pup and the other offending dog, blocking the view? Or clap hands next to/in front, trying to break concentration? Attempted to allow dogs to socialise closer to each other?
J said:
What happens if you stand between pup and the other offending dog, blocking the view? Or clap hands next to/in front, trying to break concentration? Attempted to allow dogs to socialise closer to each other?

He pushes around me and continues to stare. He is very socialised with other dogs and gets on really well. Just sometimes I don't want him to go play. :/

Phonemelter said:
Clap your hands (or stomp your foot) in front of 'im and make a loud, guttural "bah" sound

Initially it may distract him but he goes straight back to staring.
Fill up a few small plastic sandwich bags (or water balloons) and take them with you. Next time it happens, throw one in the general area (not right at him, but close enough) and make the same noise.
If that does not work, try using positive reinforcement, by giving him treats or something when he turns away.
Its probably just curious, our 10 week old pup does the same sometimes. Hasn't been vaccinated yet so we cant let it close to other dogs, even if it wants to.

Pharaoh X Llandy said:
Get it fixed. 6 months is a good age to do that.
As in snipping the junk? We're not going to do that, don't really see any good reason to.
My great aunt and uncle didn't fix their dog, so when it gets in heat it basically has to stay inside for a week with a diaper on. Plus they'll hump anything that moves.
Our pup is male, so it should be no problem. Hell, shibas are so rare around here that it's probably going to need its **** unsnipped in the future.
Cat biscuits. Apparently all these months of watching the cat eat has made the puppy extremely attracted to cat biscuits. I did a trial run this morning and only got them out when normal treats wouldn't work. As soon as he caught wind of the cat biscuit it was like nothing else existed.
Pharaoh X Llandy said:
Get it fixed. 6 months is a good age to do that.
For the life of me I can not understand why westerners insist on neutering male dogs. That's cruel and absolutely unnecessary.
Just buy a female pug if you want a fat limp plushie.

The fellow just needs proper training. A few weeks of training course and you'll have adequate rapport with your dog.
He is in training and other than this aspect is incredibly well behaved. I'm getting him fixed because I don't want to have to watch him every ****ing time I'm around female dogs, which is all the time. Furthermore, this is the kind of dog that people would loooove to steal. They'll be less inclined to try and do that if he lacks balls.

Perhaps you could ask him which he would prefer, no balls and a loving home, or balls and paying child support or a damn fight club.
Child support, really?
Of course if he would have to choose between balls and having a home, he'd choose a home.
On the other hand, the real choice I question here is between maiming your pet and putting up with some minor inconveniences.
I don't consider getting stolen a minor inconvenience. We live in a good area, so he probably won't get stolen regardless of balls or no balls, but getting them chopped could potentially save him from that fate.

I think you're blowing this entire thing way out of proportion, and whether or not I want to get his balls cut off isn't really your concern.

I don't care whether or not your parents had you circumcised and I'm not going to get all up in their face if they did. So take a ****ing step back and stop judging me. 
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