personal progress update

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eric virgo

nobody cares but whathehell...

i remember starting out as a fighter in the arena. building my skills and hardening my self (hu-huh!).
soon i took the dusty trails with a sumpter horse trying to raise an army.
a hundred days after that i had an army of 25 marksmen. done that
then i managed to gather 42 vaegir nights... and life was good...

until i realized i am the best archer/horse archer in the kindom!

the game completely changed! i carry my warbow, two quivers of bodkin arrows and a watered steel sabre...

that sabre never leaves its seath. cause i am the rain maker. the rain of death. i rain death! thats what i do! give me a couple of quivers and a few knights to keep the enemy occupied.

i march in between enemies and bury steel into each and everyones cranium! headshot after headshot after headshot!
i really dont know how. for a few minutes into the game i play a bit... well... so and so... you know.. i get the job done....

but after a while i get "into the box maaaan". my reflexes work like a fine tuned musical instrument of death. this has never happened to me before.
i dont even have to look at my target when i let the arrow fly.
just aim-release and move along. the only indication of success is the scrolling headshot.

last night i crossed roads with a 107 swadian war party. i had around 20 knights and a few swadian xbowmen... it was going to be my last battle for the night so i didnt want to try real hard.

but when the enemies started approaching i felt my hand tense on the mouse. 4 horsemen moving in a 45 degree angle toward me
... aim- headshot
... aim- headshot
... aim- death
... aim- headshot

then twenty more infantry. i rode my sleipnir behind them. turned around slowly and killed about ten of them in a row with out stopping at all. at all. i started laughing out loud! each arrow lodged it self right under the jaw or the neck of the enemy. a friend watching tv near me, got worried. he sat beside me and watched as wave after wave of enemies were transformed into pincushions!

i was on fire. i shot between horses legs. between trees on moving targets. between the moving heads of my troops. once i managed to shoot and kill a tiny piece of butt inside a melee...
i was standing behind a fellow troop watching him fight a swadian. my troop attempted to attack using an overhead and missed. at the fleeing fraction of a second when my troop bend over, my arrow flew over his arched back and got stuck in the opponents eyeball... from a long distance.

in the end i was left with 11/66 points and i had 3 knights and a xbowman... it was the last fight and i was trembling. twist of luck. some backstabbing bastars swadian sneaked from behing and killed my horse.
then 6 swadians swarmed upon me like rabid dogs...

tonight i take my revenga!!!


FUDGE.. this a long post...
the best is when that happens to you while playing online. I was playing CS:Source one time, and I started getting headshot after headshot. Half the people in the server thought I was hacking, (omgwftnfw n00bzorz H4X) but the admin checked and said i wasn't. Then everybody left. :lol:
Lol.. I'm doing the same thing right now.
7 riding 7 horse archery 7 power draw.. having a lot of fun managing my band of 8 marksmen and 8 sharpshooters. I love going after steppe riders, they're especially vulnerable to arrow fire just like how it was historically.

I hope someone will mod a chinese triple crossbow in someday (cho kul run or whatever it's called).. that would be sweet.

WOW! we want more stories like that!

I'm just a plain ole' "War Axe swinging, plunge into enemy lines hacking n' slashing from my horse till i have cleaved off all heads" kinda person-but i once strove for horseback archery brilliance such as you describe...

i failed...


so i decided to take up the Axe (and a basterd sword once in a while)..

hats off again

(or is that 'heads off') :wink:
Yep, I also have some trouble with horse archery and routinely go back to crazed maniac swinging mighty 2Her on horseback.
Hado said:
I hope someone will mod a chinese triple crossbow in someday (cho kul run or whatever it's called).. that would be sweet.
There is nothing from stopping you carrying 3 crossbows in your weapon slots... or even 4... :smile:

I don't think...
Slyloki said:
Hado said:
I hope someone will mod a chinese triple crossbow in someday (cho kul run or whatever it's called).. that would be sweet.
There is nothing from stopping you carrying 3 crossbows in your weapon slots... or even 4... :smile:

I don't think...

You can carry 4 of anything , It's just a matter of how effective a crossbow with nothing to shoot is going to be.....

I suppose you could try and dig some dirt out of the ground with your hands and put it in the bolt slot....Lmfao , that would be so dam funny , i can imagine a black knight riding up and about to cut my head off when i shoot and *Poof* Dirt sprays in his eyes and he falls over screaming :razz:

I did that once. It was with Medal of honor : Spearhead

I was using a rifle (hardest weapon to shoot) and was on bridge map.
There is 2 team's , and objective is to kill other team. Anyway , i was just charging forward and virtually without consiously meaning to do it , shooting straight at people (generally headshot) , It ended up my "Own" teammate's kicked me out , not for cheating , but rather because they weren't having any fun because everyone on the other team was dead befor they could do anything Lol..Was hilarious.
Thats why i initially said 3 xbows, so you have a slot for a beefy sword, but if you're on horseback, you could fire 4 xbows, run off, dismount reload them and charge back in.. :smile:

I do know the feeling of teammates getting pissed off..
I myself have this preference for sniper rifles, (preferably a .50 barett) some people i play with (same team) have banned me from using them.. <sigh>
Sux to be figjam... :wink:
You do mean one crossbow and two packs of bolts, right? Since no ammo means useless croosbows.

This doesn't even allow for you to smack the person with a crossbow.
You know, I didn't even think of ammo... :oops:
Just assumed all xbows would be loaded giving you a shot each with them...
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