Resolved Permanent mutes do not work

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Summary: Permanent mutes in multiplayer only work until you rejoin the game.
How to Reproduce: Mute someone. Rejoin the game. They can still verbally abuse you.
Scene Name (if related): Multiplayer
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By verbally abusing are you referring to voice chat or text chat?
Text chat. I can confirm the feature has never worked since its original implementation. It "permanently" ignores all their messages for the server instance/session. After the server crashes or if you run into the player in another server they are no longer muted. You have to mute offending players every time you see them.

Despite this, somehow Taleworlds has managed to figure out how to permanently mute players from their end for extended periods of time or ban them from playing for extended periods of time for penal reasons.

Regular players are "muted", that is, not allowed to communicate via in-game chat across all servers - or altogether banned from logging into multiplayer for days or weeks at a time.

It's a very interesting pattern of consistency looking at the forums and in-game implementations. It's as if the company is more concerned with policing the space than making it function as expected by players.
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