Permanent Death

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Hey there,

First of all, I'd like to say that I wish I had looked into this mod sooner.  Actually, on second thought, no I don't because then I would have to tolerate the anticipation that much longer.

To put it succinctly, I'm surprised I didn't wet my pants looking at the custom scenes.

Just one question though.

Is there any possibility of a perma-death option in the mod upon release? 

I don't know how hard it is to implement, but I know it really adds to the immersion for me.
Well, more options are always better.

I'm sure that has to be open source in the forge somewhere, so if you'd like to help such a possible addition along, do some searching for it, for me if you will.


Just make a game menu that checks whether "$hero_fallen" or whatever it is is set to 1. (The player is knocked out in battle.) If it is, then jump_to_menu "mnu_death" or whatever you want it to be called. Write what you want it to say on the screen, maybe add a nice little picture of a dead Roman or whathaveyou and then make the only selectable option "Main Menu" and put "(change_screen_quit)," to make it jump out of the game.

Or you could look in the python script/scheme exchange thread to find Chel's wounding/dying codes.
Don Doggy said:
Only optional permadeath, or we/I riot.

Of course

The mod can be challenging enough with the thrown projectile damage, and some of the cavalry thrusting weapons at full speed will get you out of there :smile:
That would be kind of funny though if I did that.

Kids would come crying on forums about being one shot by a pilum, and their game going straight to menu, hehe
ealabor said:
That would be kind of funny though if I did that.

Kids would come crying on forums about being one shot by a pilum, and their game going straight to menu, hehe
Bonus points if you can make it delete their save file too!
ealabor said:
Triple points if I can make it uninstall their Mount and Blade too?  :mrgreen:

And +10 points if their computer crashes!

I can see it now:
"Oh balls, I died!"

"You have been slain in battle. All your base are belong to us." !Your save game has been deleted!
*M&B closes*
"Uninstalling Mount&Blade..."
*M&B uninstalls*
"Erasing harddrive..."
*computer crashes*
You know what'd be awesome, if you had a special type of Permadeath where you get sent to your religions afterlife where you'll be surrounded by your gods, they'll pass judgment on you (similar to the Retire function). It'd be pretty cool as that idea that you've died and gone to Hades :grin:. Or gone to Osiris.. either way lol. Still it'd be cool if you were a Ptolomey Egyptian, you died and Anubis would be there telling you how either you ****ed up royally and he had to feed your organs to the pet Chimera :grin: or that you're now considered a God (like Alexander). Now that'd be cool. Unnecessary but cool :grin:.
Ruthven said:

Just make a game menu that checks whether "$hero_fallen" or whatever it is is set to 1. (The player is knocked out in battle.) If it is, then jump_to_menu "mnu_death" or whatever you want it to be called. Write what you want it to say on the screen, maybe add a nice little picture of a dead Roman or whathaveyou and then make the only selectable option "Main Menu" and put "(change_screen_quit)," to make it jump out of the game.

Or you could look in the python script/scheme exchange thread to find Chel's wounding/dying codes.

That's not quite what I meant.  Perma-death would just remove the whole "you get captured and run away mechanic," not make you die every time you go unconscious.  What would be even better is perhaps if there was a chance of being captured or dying.
Well, all he has to do then is try_for_range,1,10 and then say, gt,7 makes you die. (Basically take a random number between 1 and 10, and if it's higher than 7, ie 8,9, or 10, the player dies.)
duckmoose said:
RayvenQ said:
Simple,as a palyer  when you die, quit without saving, delete the savegame and start a new game.

Rayven, I do that, but it's much less satisfying.

How is playing a character for a month then losing it when a random javelin hits you in the head from 100m away... satisfying?
just what happens, Ya live withit, in my xp it feels much better to say, complete a rebbelion, when on the hardest difficulty, otherwise I feel cheap
Wait, is it perm death ALWAYS or lets say, a 35%chance when you get KO'ed by a killing blow?
Cause if its only a chance, i could live with it.
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