Perisno Q&A + FAQ

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Totally looking great and stylish so far, from the units Leonion updates to the latest ones by cwr! Thank you for the great effort, Perisno developers team!
Can't wait for the 0.9! (to be honest I'm kinda busy right now, so i can totally wait for 0.9.1 or 0.9.2 :iamamoron:)
Anyone already has an idea where that could be?

cwr said:
Just went through the added/removed/revamped stuff on the first page and I'm really looking forward to this.
The changes to leaf bombs and bear cavalry really make me wanna try them out...but they lack any kind of agression and seems like they only sit in their part and gather troops. Might be really boring in the long run. Seems like the only way is to gather a fat army of mercenaries, cut them down and restart Arulo from their land with me as the leader. Then Advance for Geldar with companions as vassals and later on Forniron in a blitzattack when they are in war with Zann,Tolrania or Hakkon

I've spent ~450h on warband and atleast 350 of them in Perisno. For me, this mod is the reason to even play M&B again.
Plasquar said:
And I can't wait to see the new Geldar troop trees.  :iamamoron:

And I can't wait to see the 4 young giant ladies. "This is a trap isn't it? In real life this would never happen... This is a hell of a gamble. I am gonna risk it, for tits." (GamerPoop, Mass effect 3 (#5))
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