OSP Code SP Perfect troop tree presentation

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I got some errors when I tried to add code to the Diplomacy source.

*** Warband Refined & Enhanced Compiler Kit (W.R.E.C.K.) version 1.0.0 ***

Loading module... DONE.
Loading plugins... DONE.
Checking module syntax... DONE.
Allocating identifiers... DONE.
Compiling module... FAILED.
failed to compile code for menu item action_view_troop_trees in menu reports (#4
  command [900, 1, 'prsnt_faction_troop_trees'] compilation fails in mnu.reports
(#4).mno_action_view_troop_trees.choice on line 1
    failed to parse operand 'prsnt_faction_troop_trees' for operation start_pres
entation in mnu.reports(#4).mno_action_view_troop_trees.choice on line 1
      illegal reference `prsnt.faction_troop_trees`


I tried to find an error, but my knowledge of MS is very small.
all I know is the problem in "illegal reference" between module_presentations and module_game_menus.

Forget about it. I forgot to extend module_presentations "]"
This is so stupid. :oops:
Opavelin said:
I got some errors when I tried to add code to the Diplomacy source.

*** Warband Refined & Enhanced Compiler Kit (W.R.E.C.K.) version 1.0.0 ***

Loading module... DONE.
Loading plugins... DONE.
Checking module syntax... DONE.
Allocating identifiers... DONE.
Compiling module... FAILED.
failed to compile code for menu item action_view_troop_trees in menu reports (#4
  command [900, 1, 'prsnt_faction_troop_trees'] compilation fails in mnu.reports
(#4).mno_action_view_troop_trees.choice on line 1
    failed to parse operand 'prsnt_faction_troop_trees' for operation start_pres
entation in mnu.reports(#4).mno_action_view_troop_trees.choice on line 1
      illegal reference `prsnt.faction_troop_trees`


I tried to find an error, but my knowledge of MS is very small.
all I know is the problem in "illegal reference" between module_presentations and module_game_menus.

Forget about it. I forgot to extend module_presentations "]"
This is so stupid. :oops:

Errr... Do you mind explaining what exactly you did to me? I seem to be having the same issue.
Dear @rubik! This piece of code is one of the most beautiful things I had pleasure implement into them mod. When I read that this version of troop-tree will do with even most complicated army compositions I was very sceptical about it. Not that I don't believe your coding skills, but because I have around 1300 different troops on the counter. Divided into over 20 different factions. Different races... and so on.

Then I implemented this into my mod, Paradigm Worlds, and it works perfectly. More, thanks to that Tree View I was able to locate few mistakes. But most important, first time in life of that mod I could see all troops, not as a numbers in module file, but as very nice visualisations, linked one to another.

Thank You very much man, you made a great thing that improves a lot of mods, mine too. I will give it to players with version 1.05. They asked me to make that work for many days and thanks to you it happened. Cheers!



link to the mod if anyone interested:
Great feature and easy installation.

For me, only one additional call was missing:
from header_skills import *
from the header of "module_presentations.py"

Thanks!!! :grin:
Hey, I pretty much know nothing about coding and have tried making my own personal mod, but I keep getting an indentation error despite not changing a thing to the code itself (simplyed copy/pasted it including the spaces at the end of module_presentations), only to give me this error:

File "process_init.py", line 2, in <module>
from process_operations import *
File "C:\Users\Calbanar\Desktop\MOD! - Copie\Source Files\process_operations.py", line 20, in <module>
from module_scripts import *
File "C:\Users\Calbanar\Desktop\MOD! - Copie\Source Files\module_scripts.py", line 63802
IndentationError: unexpected indent
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "process_global_variables.py", line 8, in <module>
from module_presentations import *
File "C:\Users\Calbanar\Desktop\MOD! - Copie\Source Files\module_presentations.py", line 14940
("faction_troop_trees", 0, 0, [
IndentationError: unexpected indent
You should not add it at the end of module_presentations.py, you have to add it before the last bracket is closing.
Hmmmm, will try to fix it this way, thank you!

Like this?
``` ##diplomacy end+
  ("faction_troop_trees", 0, 0, [
        (presentation_set_duration, 999999),
        (set_fixed_point_multiplier, 1000),
        (create_mesh_overlay, reg1, "mesh_load_window"),
        (position_set_x, pos1, 0),
        (position_set_y, pos1, 0),
        (overlay_set_position, reg1, pos1),
        ## combo_button
        (create_combo_button_overlay, "$g_presentation_obj_1"),
        (position_set_x, pos1, 500),
        (position_set_y, pos1, 690),
        (overlay_set_position, "$g_presentation_obj_1", pos1),
        # factions
        (store_sub, ":num_factions", npc_kingdoms_end, npc_kingdoms_begin),
        (store_add, ":num_pages", ":num_factions", 3),
        ## page names, from bottom to top
        (overlay_add_item, "$g_presentation_obj_1", "@Others"),
        (overlay_add_item, "$g_presentation_obj_1", "@Outlaws"),
        (overlay_add_item, "$g_presentation_obj_1", "[USER=4023]@Mercenary[/USER]"),
        (try_for_range_backwards, ":page_no", 0, ":num_factions"),
          (store_add, ":faction_no", ":page_no", npc_kingdoms_begin),
          (str_store_faction_name, s0, ":faction_no"),
          (overlay_add_item, "$g_presentation_obj_1", s0),
        (store_sub, ":presentation_obj_val", ":num_pages", "$g_selected_page"),
        (val_sub, ":presentation_obj_val", 1),
        (overlay_set_val, "$g_presentation_obj_1", ":presentation_obj_val"),
        ## back
        (create_game_button_overlay, "$g_presentation_obj_2", "@Close"),
        (position_set_x, pos1, 750),
        (position_set_y, pos1, 685),
        (overlay_set_position, "$g_presentation_obj_2", pos1),
        ## tips
        (create_text_overlay, reg1, "[USER=445895]@Click[/USER] the center button to toggle faction^Click the avatars to view details of them", tf_left_align),
        (position_set_x, pos1, 800),
        (position_set_y, pos1, 800),
        (overlay_set_size, reg1, pos1),
        (position_set_x, pos1, 30),
        (position_set_y, pos1, 690),
        (overlay_set_position, reg1, pos1),
        ## pic_arms
          (is_between, "$g_selected_page", 0, ":num_factions"),
          (store_add, ":pic_arms", "mesh_pic_arms_swadian", "$g_selected_page"),
          (create_mesh_overlay, reg1, ":pic_arms"),
          (position_set_x, pos1, 120),
          (position_set_y, pos1, 100),
          (overlay_set_position, reg1, pos1),
          (position_set_x, pos1, 300),
          (position_set_y, pos1, 300),
          (overlay_set_size, reg1, pos1),

        # detect_total_max_tier, calculate offset_x
        (assign, ":total_max_tier", 1),
        (try_for_range, ":cur_troop", soldiers_begin, soldiers_end),
          (neg|troop_is_hero, ":cur_troop"),
          # can upgrade
          (troop_get_upgrade_troop, ":upgrade_troop", ":cur_troop", 0),
          (gt, ":upgrade_troop", 0),
          # page_no_for_cur_troop
          (call_script, "script_get_page_no_of_troop_tree_for_troop_on", ":cur_troop"),
          (assign, ":page_no_for_cur_troop", reg0),
          # on current page_no
          (eq, ":page_no_for_cur_troop", "$g_selected_page"),
          (assign, reg0, 1), # reg0: init max_tier to 1
          (call_script, "script_troop_tree_recursive_detect_max_tier", ":cur_troop", 1),
          (assign, ":cur_max_tier", reg0),
            (gt, ":cur_max_tier", ":total_max_tier"),
            (assign, ":total_max_tier", ":cur_max_tier"),
        (val_sub, ":total_max_tier", 1),
        (val_max, ":total_max_tier", 1),
        (store_div, ":offset_x", 700, ":total_max_tier"),
        (val_min, ":offset_x", 120),
        (str_clear, s0),
        (create_text_overlay, reg1, s0, tf_scrollable),
        (position_set_x, pos1, 15),
        (position_set_y, pos1, 15),
        (overlay_set_position, reg1, pos1),
        (position_set_x, pos1, 800),
        (position_set_y, pos1, 660),
        (overlay_set_area_size, reg1, pos1),
        (set_container_overlay, reg1),
        (assign, "$g_cur_slot_no", 0),
        (assign, reg2, 75),
        # find all root troops of selected faction
        (try_for_range, ":cur_troop", soldiers_begin, soldiers_end),
          (neg|troop_is_hero, ":cur_troop"),
          # can upgrade
          (troop_get_upgrade_troop, ":upgrade_troop", ":cur_troop", 0),
          (gt, ":upgrade_troop", 0),
          # page_no_for_cur_troop
          (call_script, "script_get_page_no_of_troop_tree_for_troop_on", ":cur_troop"),
          (assign, ":page_no_for_cur_troop", reg0),
          # on current page_no
          (eq, ":page_no_for_cur_troop", "$g_selected_page"),
          # can't be upgraded from other troops of the same page
          (assign, ":is_root_troop", 1),
          (assign, ":end_cond", soldiers_end),
          (try_for_range, ":loop_troop", soldiers_begin, ":end_cond"),
            (neg|troop_is_hero, ":loop_troop"),
            # page_no_for_loop_troop
            (call_script, "script_get_page_no_of_troop_tree_for_troop_on", ":loop_troop"),
            (assign, ":page_no_for_loop_troop", reg0),
            # on current page_no
            (eq,  ":page_no_for_loop_troop", "$g_selected_page"),
            (troop_get_upgrade_troop, ":upgrade_troop_1", ":loop_troop", 0),
            (troop_get_upgrade_troop, ":upgrade_troop_2", ":loop_troop", 1),
            (this_or_next|eq, ":upgrade_troop_1", ":cur_troop"),
            (eq, ":upgrade_troop_2", ":cur_troop"),
            (assign, ":is_root_troop", 0),
            (assign, ":end_cond", 0), #break
          (eq, ":is_root_troop", 1), # draw troop tree of cur root_troop
          (call_script, "script_troop_tree_recursive_backtracking", ":cur_troop", 50, reg2, ":offset_x"),
          (val_add, reg2, 160),
        (set_container_overlay, -1),
        ## draw selected_troop: Attributes, Skills, Equipments,
          (gt, "$g_selected_troop", 0),
          (store_mul, ":cur_troop", "$g_selected_troop", 2), #with weapons
          (create_image_button_overlay_with_tableau_material, reg1, -1, "tableau_game_party_window", ":cur_troop"),
          (position_set_x, pos1, 450),
          (position_set_y, pos1, 600),
          (overlay_set_size, reg1, pos1),
          (position_set_x, pos1, 810),
          (position_set_y, pos1, 550),
          (overlay_set_position, reg1, pos1),
          # pos2: text size
          (position_set_x, pos2, 750),
          (position_set_y, pos2, 750),
          # pos2: title text size
          (position_set_x, pos3, 900),
          (position_set_y, pos3, 900),
          # Name
          (str_store_troop_name, s1, "$g_selected_troop"),
          (create_text_overlay, reg1, s1, tf_center_justify),
          (position_set_x, pos1, 900),
          (position_set_y, pos1, 710),
          (overlay_set_position, reg1, pos1),
          (overlay_set_size, reg1, pos2),
          # level and HP
          (store_character_level, reg3, "$g_selected_troop"),
          (assign, ":troop_hp", 35),
          (store_skill_level, ":skill", skl_ironflesh, "$g_selected_troop"),
          (store_attribute_level, ":strength", "$g_selected_troop", ca_strength),
          (val_mul, ":skill", 2),
          (val_add, ":troop_hp", ":skill"),
          (val_add, ":troop_hp", ":strength"),
          (assign, reg4, ":troop_hp"),
          (create_text_overlay, reg1, "@Level: {reg3}^Health: {reg4}", tf_left_align),
          (position_set_x, pos1, 900),
          (position_set_y, pos1, 665),
          (overlay_set_position, reg1, pos1),
          (overlay_set_size, reg1, pos2),
          # Attributes
          (create_text_overlay, reg1, "@Attributes", tf_left_align),
          (position_set_x, pos1, 900),
          (position_set_y, pos1, 630),
          (overlay_set_position, reg1, pos1),
          (overlay_set_size, reg1, pos3),
          (create_text_overlay, reg1, "@STR^AGI^INT^CHA", tf_left_align),
          (position_set_x, pos1, 900),
          (position_set_y, pos1, 570),
          (overlay_set_position, reg1, pos1),
          (overlay_set_size, reg1, pos2),
          (try_for_range, ":attrib_id", 0, 4),
              (eq, ":attrib_id", 0),
              (store_attribute_level, reg2, "$g_selected_troop", ":attrib_id"),
              (str_store_string, s1, "@{reg2}"),
              (store_attribute_level, reg2, "$g_selected_troop", ":attrib_id"),
              (str_store_string, s1, "@{s1}^{reg2}"),
          (create_text_overlay, reg1, s1, tf_right_align),
          (position_set_x, pos1, 980),
          (position_set_y, pos1, 570),
          (overlay_set_position, reg1, pos1),
          (overlay_set_size, reg1, pos2),
          # Skills
          (create_text_overlay, reg1, "@Skills", tf_left_align),
          (position_set_x, pos1, 840),
          (position_set_y, pos1, 527),
          (overlay_set_position, reg1, pos1),
          (overlay_set_size, reg1, pos3),
          (create_text_overlay, reg1, "@Ironflesh^Power Strike^Power Throw^Power Draw^Shield^Athletics^Riding^Horse Archery", tf_left_align),
          (position_set_x, pos1, 840),
          (position_set_y, pos1, 415),
          (overlay_set_position, reg1, pos1),
          (overlay_set_size, reg1, pos2),
          (try_for_range_backwards, ":skill_id", 0, 42),
              (eq, ":skill_id", "skl_ironflesh"),
              (store_skill_level, reg2, ":skill_id", "$g_selected_troop"),
              (str_store_string, s1, "@{reg2}"),
              (this_or_next|eq, ":skill_id", "skl_power_strike"),
              (this_or_next|eq, ":skill_id", "skl_power_throw"),
              (this_or_next|eq, ":skill_id", "skl_power_draw"),
              (this_or_next|eq, ":skill_id", "skl_shield"),
              (this_or_next|eq, ":skill_id", "skl_athletics"),
              (this_or_next|eq, ":skill_id", "skl_riding"),
              (eq, ":skill_id", "skl_horse_archery"),
              (store_skill_level, reg2, ":skill_id", "$g_selected_troop"),
              (str_store_string, s1, "@{s1}^{reg2}"),
          (create_text_overlay, reg1, s1, tf_right_align),
          (position_set_x, pos1, 980),
          (position_set_y, pos1, 415),
          (overlay_set_position, reg1, pos1),
          (overlay_set_size, reg1, pos2),
          # Weapon Proficiencies
          (create_text_overlay, reg1, "@Proficiencies", tf_left_align),
          (position_set_x, pos1, 840),
          (position_set_y, pos1, 370),
          (overlay_set_position, reg1, pos1),
          (overlay_set_size, reg1, pos3),
          (create_text_overlay, reg1, "@1H Weapons^2H Weapons^Polearms^Archery^Crossbows^Throwing", tf_left_align),
          (position_set_x, pos1, 840),
          (position_set_y, pos1, 285),
          (overlay_set_position, reg1, pos1),
          (overlay_set_size, reg1, pos2),
          (try_for_range, ":wp_id", 0, 6),
              (eq, ":wp_id", wpt_one_handed_weapon),
              (store_proficiency_level, reg2, "$g_selected_troop", ":wp_id"),
              (str_store_string, s1, "@{reg2}"),
              (is_between, ":wp_id", wpt_two_handed_weapon, wpt_firearm),
              (store_proficiency_level, reg2, "$g_selected_troop", ":wp_id"),
              (str_store_string, s1, "@{s1}^{reg2}"),
          (create_text_overlay, reg1, s1, tf_right_align),
          (position_set_x, pos1, 980),
          (position_set_y, pos1, 285),
          (overlay_set_position, reg1, pos1),
          (overlay_set_size, reg1, pos2),
          # Equipments
          (create_text_overlay, reg1, "@Equipments", tf_left_align),
          (position_set_x, pos1, 840),
          (position_set_y, pos1, 235),
          (overlay_set_position, reg1, pos1),
          (overlay_set_size, reg1, pos3),
          (str_clear, s0),
          (create_text_overlay, "$g_presentation_obj_3", s0, tf_scrollable),
          (position_set_x, pos1, 840),
          (position_set_y, pos1, 30),
          (overlay_set_position, "$g_presentation_obj_3", pos1),
          (position_set_x, pos1, 138),
          (position_set_y, pos1, 202),
          (overlay_set_area_size, "$g_presentation_obj_3", pos1),
          (set_container_overlay, "$g_presentation_obj_3"),
          (troop_clear_inventory, "trp_temp_array_a"),
          (troop_get_inventory_capacity, ":inv_cap", "$g_selected_troop"),
          (try_for_range, ":i_slot", 0, ":inv_cap"),
            (troop_get_inventory_slot, ":item", "$g_selected_troop", ":i_slot"),
            (gt, ":item", -1),
            (troop_get_inventory_slot_modifier, ":imod", "$g_selected_troop", ":i_slot"),
            (troop_add_item,"trp_temp_array_a",":item", ":imod"),
          (assign, ":pos_x", 0),
          (assign, ":pos_y", 280),
          (assign, ":slot_no", 10),
          (try_for_range, ":unused_height", 0, 8),
            (try_for_range, ":unused_width", 0, 3),
              (create_mesh_overlay, reg1, "mesh_mp_inventory_choose"),
              (position_set_x, pos1, 320),
              (position_set_y, pos1, 320),
              (overlay_set_size, reg1, pos1),
              (position_set_x, pos1, ":pos_x"),
              (position_set_y, pos1, ":pos_y"),
              (overlay_set_position, reg1, pos1),
              (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_a", ":slot_no", reg1),
              (create_mesh_overlay, reg1, "mesh_inv_slot"),
              (position_set_x, pos1, 400),
              (position_set_y, pos1, 400),
              (overlay_set_size, reg1, pos1),
              (position_set_x, pos1, ":pos_x"),
              (position_set_y, pos1, ":pos_y"),
              (overlay_set_position, reg1, pos1),
              (troop_get_inventory_slot, ":item_no", "trp_temp_array_a", ":slot_no"),
              (val_max, ":item_no", 0),
              (create_mesh_overlay_with_item_id, reg1, ":item_no"),
              (position_set_x, pos1, 400),
              (position_set_y, pos1, 400),
              (overlay_set_size, reg1, pos1),
              (store_add, ":item_x", ":pos_x", 20),
              (store_add, ":item_y", ":pos_y", 20),
              (position_set_x, pos1, ":item_x"),
              (position_set_y, pos1, ":item_y"),
              (overlay_set_position, reg1, pos1),
              (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_b", ":slot_no", reg1),
              (val_add, ":pos_x", 40),
              (val_add, ":slot_no", 1),
            (assign, ":pos_x", 0),
            (val_sub, ":pos_y", 40),
          (set_container_overlay, -1),
      (store_trigger_param_1, ":object"),
      (store_trigger_param_2, ":enter_leave"),
        (gt, "$g_selected_troop", 0),
          (eq, ":enter_leave", 0),
          (try_for_range, ":slot_no", 10, 106),
            (troop_slot_eq, "trp_temp_array_a", ":slot_no", ":object"),
            (troop_get_inventory_slot, ":item_no", "trp_temp_array_a", ":slot_no"),
            (troop_get_inventory_slot_modifier, ":cur_imod", "trp_temp_array_a", ":slot_no"),
              (gt, ":item_no", -1),
              (troop_get_slot, ":target_obj", "trp_temp_array_b", ":slot_no"),
              (overlay_get_position, pos0, ":target_obj"),
              (show_item_details_with_modifier, ":item_no", ":cur_imod", pos0, 100),
              (assign, "$g_current_opened_item_details", ":slot_no"),
          (try_for_range, ":slot_no", 10, 106),
            (troop_slot_eq, "trp_temp_array_a", ":slot_no", ":object"),
              (eq, "$g_current_opened_item_details", ":slot_no"),
        (store_trigger_param_1, ":object"),
        (store_trigger_param_2, ":value"),
        (try_for_range, ":slot_no", 0, "$g_cur_slot_no"),
          (troop_slot_eq, "trp_stack_selection_amounts", ":slot_no", ":object"),
          (troop_get_slot, "$g_selected_troop", "trp_stack_selection_ids", ":slot_no"),
          (start_presentation, "prsnt_faction_troop_trees"),
          (eq, ":object", "$g_presentation_obj_1"),
          (store_sub, ":num_pages", npc_kingdoms_end, npc_kingdoms_begin),
          (val_add, ":num_pages", 3),
          (store_sub, "$g_selected_page", ":num_pages", ":value"),
          (val_sub, "$g_selected_page", 1),
          (assign, "$g_selected_troop", 0),
          (start_presentation, "prsnt_faction_troop_trees"),
          (eq, ":object", "$g_presentation_obj_2"),
          (assign, "$g_selected_troop", 0),
          (assign, "$g_selected_page", 0),
          (presentation_set_duration, 0),
  ] ```
Last edited by a moderator:
Are the spaces at the start of the code necessary or are they just here for readability? (should I remove them)
IndentationError: unexpected indent
Use a text editor such as Notepad++ to highlight syntax. All types of scripts are like the following; a case in point are presentations. Make sure to include everything before the last square bracket. The script is fine, it must be something with your wrong placement.

presentations = [
Are the spaces at the start of the code necessary or are they just here for readability? (should I remove them)
If you meant enters (Carriage Returns), they are for readability; they are removed on compilation anyway.
Alright, thank you very much for this!

I'll try to make it work once I'm finished with more... pressing work :p
I have taken a quick glance at your codebase.

     # end presentation run
    # Character relation presentation end
# Jrider -

##diplomacy end+

("faction_troop_trees", 0, 0, [
    (presentation_set_duration, 999999),
    (set_fixed_point_multiplier, 1000),

You must include the script before ##diplomacy end+ ] .
I have taken a quick glance at your codebase.

     # end presentation run
    # Character relation presentation end
# Jrider -

##diplomacy end+

("faction_troop_trees", 0, 0, [
    (presentation_set_duration, 999999),
    (set_fixed_point_multiplier, 1000),

You must include the script before ##diplomacy end+ ] .
Oooooh alright, I'll do that right away! Thank you!

EDIT: Restarted the mod from scratch, works like a charm now!

Amazing Code!
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So uh I've just instealled your troop tree presentation, because the OG one from Sayazn was kind of broken for some reason, it's a step on the right direction now that it works as intended, but now the problem is that it lists EVERY SINGLE TROOP, and.. .yeah I don't want that, I want to first and foremost get rid of the mercenaries, bandits and "others" pages, and secondly I want the troop tree to be more selective on listing each faction's troop trees, I want it to only list commoners and nobles. and after that I will tell you about something more complex.
Are you sure that you have implemented it correctly? Asking since it should be differentiating between the factions, it's all implemented at the presentation and script code snippets.
yes it differentiates factions, I never said it was put all toghether, but I don't want it to show every faction I want to hide those that I said and I want to hide some troops too.
To remove the mercenaries, bandits and others, simply remove the lines for them and the line with which you add 3 to the count of factions.
        ## combo_button
        (create_combo_button_overlay, "$g_presentation_obj_1"),
        (position_set_x, pos1, 500),
        (position_set_y, pos1, 690),
        (overlay_set_position, "$g_presentation_obj_1", pos1),
        # factions
        (store_sub, ":num_factions", npc_kingdoms_end, npc_kingdoms_begin),
        (store_add, ":num_pages", ":num_factions", 3),  <---
        ## page names, from bottom to top
        (overlay_add_item, "$g_presentation_obj_1", "@Others"), <---
        (overlay_add_item, "$g_presentation_obj_1", "@Outlaws"), <---
        (overlay_add_item, "$g_presentation_obj_1", "@Mercenary"), <---
        (try_for_range_backwards, ":page_no", 0, ":num_factions"),
          (store_add, ":faction_no", ":page_no", npc_kingdoms_begin),
          (str_store_faction_name, s0, ":faction_no"),
          (overlay_add_item, "$g_presentation_obj_1", s0),
        (store_sub, ":presentation_obj_val", ":num_pages", "$g_selected_page"),
        (val_sub, ":presentation_obj_val", 1),
        (overlay_set_val, "$g_presentation_obj_1", ":presentation_obj_val"),
This line is responsible for which troops are getting shown. Introduce new constants and if-clauses by yourself, to adjust it to your likings.
        (try_for_range, ":cur_troop", soldiers_begin, soldiers_end),
Top Bottom