Peasants vs Knights

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When I fight black riders, I've found I do equally as well with a full squad of sawadian knights as I do with a full squad of peasants on "hold position"...

Perhaps I'm just having bad and good luck one time after the other.

I've noticed - based on numerous battles with the AI = normal - that friendly horsemen will charge into the enemy and be cut to pieces. Not everytime, mostly if the enemy is in equal or greater numbers my knights will be swarmed and cut to pieces.

It doesn't happen so much if the enemy is scattered or less numerous. Those times, it can be a fair fight.

Another thread discusses using the HOLD POSITION commands and others to keep your men together in which case your peasants can swarm their horsemen. I also use FOLLOW ME if my horsemen are surrounded by the enemy.

Staying together can be very decisive and that's what I generally have my men do. Meanwhile I ride ahead - I prefer being a Horse Archer - and shoot to wound and kill as many as possible before ordering a charge.

Still defeating dark knights with peasants as you have, must be difficult! Maybe there is some luck there. :smile:
Which demonstrates that the games fully capture an important battlefield notion : a lone fighter is a dead fighter.

The player being the exception because for now no programm can truly outsmart a live human mind.
I use peasants often now when fighting Dark Knights because the HOLD POSITION command gives them a chance to kill a few of the enemy and me the opportunity to either shoot or battleaxe more than a few by myself.

The mass of peasants allows them at least a chance they don't get when we charge or are dispersed; they still need the help of my hero and even then, we'll win only if the hero's strong enough and we get a little lucky.

(Battle difficulty settings all at highest, no tricks or exploiting the AI by going up an impassable hill and waiting for their suicidal gathering below. )

This type situation - infantry vs cavalry - is one of the few that makes me wish for some elementary formations or group control so that I could at least organize a quick skirmish line or battle square.

So while the dozens of formation suggestions made over the last few months have usually seemed more appropriate for commanders of thousands of troops fighting an organized planned battle than for a leader of two dozen warriors engaged in random, spontaneous encounters, some initial formations don't seem out of place.

Once the every-man-for-himself fighting sets in, I can see the chaos of melee combat would be very unlikely to allow any further formaton orders, but at battle start, I would like those peasants to a least form a hedgehog, line or hollow square. Better trained troops would be capable of more.

If morale were included in combat, then I think peasants would become a distinct liability because (I assume) their lower morale would cause them to break and run for their lives rather than fight experienced soldiers. One could start a battle only at the risk of having your entire warparty head for the hills if there are not enough professional troops to encourage the peasants.
A bunch of footmen large enough to stop horsemen from galloping though is very nice. It'd be great to have just basic postion, like 'face this way', etc, especially if we could get a bunch a spearmen together and have them poke at the enemy from behind a wall of pointy things.

Crazed Rabbit

PS: Mr. Strange, is the quote in your sig from Watership Down?
Pikemen could be able to put the pikes onto the ground, and if enemy cavalry charge into that their horses will die immideatly, but the pikes will break at once too. But I think tactics like this only would work if the number of soldiers on the battlefield would be a bit higher
Against horsemen more skilled than my own, one of my favorite tactics is to have my riders dismount and then hold position behind and amongst their own horses. Friendly horses standing around make great barriers to enemy riders. A few of the enemy will generally get confused on their initial run and slam the standing horses, and my men can pluck them down from their saddles with ease.
Hi all, just registered after reading (and playing the game) for a while. :smile:

One of the best ways to fight knights is of course to have your men follow you on foot into some water if there is any. But I agrre that some kind of basic (tight) formation would be useful to stop cavalry from charging.
This is my main tactic.

I have taken out squads of 25 dark knights/riders with 30 peasant/militia level troops. You have to make sure they stick together and when to charge.
Against horsemen more skilled than my own, one of my favorite tactics is to have my riders dismount and then hold position behind and amongst their own horses. Friendly horses standing around make great barriers to enemy riders. A few of the enemy will generally get confused on their initial run and slam the standing horses, and my men can pluck them down from their saddles with ease.

Yeah, I do that too.

Too bad you can't make your riders remount because of the bug.
Crazed Rabbit said:
PS: Mr. Strange, is the quote in your sig from Watership Down?

All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and when ever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you: ... Be cunning, full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed.

Watership Down, yes, that's but you know that, Crazed Rabbit, not for nothing were you a member of the Owsla.

However, I change my sig often.
30 Peasents against a force of 43 or so Dark Riders and Knights- 12 Peasents dead, 3 of my Knights dead and all Darkies gone. Even a Dark Knight can get taken down when he is against 30 Pnoobs.
thats easy, just get all your men to stand together, dun do anything and watch the dark knights get slaptered if then enter the pile of ppl
Manu said:
Which demonstrates that the games fully capture an important battlefield notion : a lone fighter is a dead fighter.

The player being the exception because for now no programm can truly outsmart a live human mind.

I understand what you mean - But i am a smartass so i can't resist.

Have you ever played Chess on computer? Turn the difficulty up to extra hard or something , And then you shall see what i mean.
lol... he has a point. However, I know some people who can play chess on the computer at the highest difficulty setting and win every time in less than 15 moves. So...

There is NO computer on EARTH that can outsmart a human being.

Where's that british guy? Hawking, or w/e? Sits in a wheel chair that talks for him lol.

Outsmart that guy!
Is there a way to hire more experienced troops? Or do I have to always start with farmers and refugees? Also, where can I hire mounted troops?
Orion said:
lol... he has a point. However, I know some people who can play chess on the computer at the highest difficulty setting and win every time in less than 15 moves. So...

There is NO computer on EARTH that can outsmart a human being.

Where's that british guy? Hawking, or w/e? Sits in a wheel chair that talks for him lol.

Outsmart that guy!

Stephen Hawkings? Wasn't he american? good in physics? anyway, I know NO ONE (in real life cos all my friends are noobs) who can beat CM10k in less tahn 15 moves. I think your chess prog is very primitive :smile:
But they haven't come out with a machine that can defeat the chess masters. Machines can outsmart some (a lot) of people though XD
First Post YAY!!!

Love the game, already bought a copy and talked a friend into buying a copy!

But back to the point, i agree hold position with peasants is the best formation, but doesn't always work, specially when dark nights charge the horses straight through and just knock them all over like bowling pins...

Still i would love to see the ability to order the followers on foot seperately from the mounted followers, so for example get your peasants to hold position on a hill while you lead your knights round for a counter charge into the enemy knights when they hit the peasants!
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