Peasants need tools?

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I have started a small village and have about 50 peasants after gathering them from travelling parties.  When in the scene of the village (the village is Novagradsk) the peasants, whom I have made mostly lumberjacks and lumberjills, will stay in one place.  Upon talking to them, they will say that the source of their squalor is that, "Lots of work to be done, and I'm willing to help, but I lack the proper tools."  How am I to supply them with tools so that the louts can get back to work?

Thanks in advance.
Well, first off giving them tools will raise production, but there are less expensive ways to get production before its above 50 (like training more peasants to professions)

After production is around 50, the only current way of raising production further is by giving them tools.  The only likely place to buy tools early on is Custow at the general merchant there.
And too, if you use the cheat to raise it right up you cant even give them tools.

Yes, I have been running around cheating as much as I can. It got boring when It was just me and Custow, so I have decided to play it a bit different this time. Less cheating, more waiting fast :grin:
So... the tools are not necessary for them to start working?

Also, how long, on average, does it take for you to raise up your village's level?  I'm on day 110 and still have not succeeded, and am not close to the required materials either.
KelThuzad0398 said:
So... the tools are not necessary for them to start working?
No, they don't. You can use them to raise productivity beyond 50 (I think) and get a bit better standing with your settlement but they are not needed, just something to spend money on.

KelThuzad0398 said:
Also, how long, on average, does it take for you to raise up your village's level?  I'm on day 110 and still have not succeeded, and am not close to the required materials either.
I first train woodcutters and spend a lot of time "hunting down" peasants, if I use cheats to increase the population of all settlements (I often give them a start of about 30) it takes at least two months to get the resources, without cheats usually 3 or 4 months. Though with 3 months I'm usually near to what I need for my village.

One thing I do to get peasants is traveling to Custow and patrol it (increases disposition) and then pay the elder villager to send some peasants my way.
Griskard said:
Is that in? I only have .67 and elder peasant never does anything.
Even in 0.67 he should have that conversation topic.
It appears when you have enough money (200+), enough reputation with the settlement (2+) and the settlement needs enough population (don't know for sure).
Of course you also need the elder peasant so at the start you can only do this with Custow.
Ill have a look now, I'm taking a break from doing my city. Its mostly just polish now.

Yep, it does work. Guess my problem was always too broke or too low relation.

Whenever I have played it without the intention of throwing rocks in the river and seeing which way it runs, I have been broke, spending all my money on equipment/settlement.
I gave the same peasant about 15 tools and he still asks for more? do they ever stop asking for tools? or is it unlimited?
Mishkin said:
I gave the same peasant about 15 tools and he still asks for more? do they ever stop asking for tools? or is it unlimited?
They stop asking when productivity reaches a certain level, I think in 0.675 it's 100.
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