Paying off bandits

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Every time I run into a party of bandits and I choose to pay them rather than fight, they will say "You must pay us 200 denars," but my only two options for response are "Allright, here's your 1500 denars" or "I can't afford to pay"!!!
Happens to me too. I presume Armagan made the fines depend on party size (or something) and then forgot to change the message.
On rare occasions I've had to buy my time (literally), but it always says "You have lost 0 denars." Of course, I never keep close tabs on my money (there's just so much....!) that I've no idea if it's deducting 0, 200, or 1,500 denars from my purse or not...
The amount you lose is the amount that it says: "0 gold lost."
However, this is probably just an enemy settings thing, not a true bug.
that's really weird; for me, whenever i select "pay money instead", the bandits always request 200 denars, and my guy then always automatically responds by saying "i don't have that much money...", even when i do!
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