pathing of army on world map

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Hi all,

this is not so much of a suggestion as a request, mostly due to the fact i dont know how hard it would be for the programing.
but i was wondering if there is a way to improve the pathing of the army on the world map based on your tracking and/or pathfinding? most ly to avoid trees and those anoying stops next to mountains and rivers that cause you to back up an loop around again. and yes i know i can do it manualy by point and click but im hoping the ai willl be just a bit better in the 1.0v . :smile:
does the pathing system calculate the shortest route (forests, hills etc) and take you to your destination according to that?

becouse lets say i'm at point A and going to B. But instad of a direct line, nearly always (this possibility grows bigger as the distance gets longer) chooses another point out of A-B line, goes there and then to B

What's this really about?
I've found that the pathing is not shortest-route-first. Setting a long range target and letting your party amble there makes a pretty nice parabolic path. Maybe taking the scenic route. If you're in a hurry you'll want to micro manage your route a little more.
It's probably not a parabolic path.

it is about time this bug was fixed. it seems that you have less and less choice for which direction you head in when you click on something far away.
even when you click a near location army goes parabolic. This is no problem unless there is a band of khergits that you are barely able to run from (or they are coming from the side the parabol goes)

good that its not a hyperbol though :shock:
I'd be happy if my party would learn how to travel in a straight line, yes. It's particularly annoying when trying to move around trees or mountains.

I'm fine with having to do my own "pathing" otherwise. Just make it so I don't have to click on Rivacheg to find the shortest path from Wercheg to Zendar, please. :wink:
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