Patch proposition for With fire & Sword ( Multiplayer )

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Ah yeah i hadn't thought about archers, maybe ha (poland and moscow) could have a better aim at stop and it become worst when they are riding, i mean that already the case but it might be improved. Put a class limit in admin panel would be a big step.
Ok for Moscow, but problem is to not nerf other cav too much, or moscovite cav would become OP compare to the others, that's why a GLOBAL balance of ALL classes is needed.
we should first try to play a league ith just 1k startgold that changes a lot I think that balances nearly everything :grin:
I was wondering when I disscussed here befor I thought 500g won't make a big change but I played using 1k today and sow that is 100% different for example swedish musk are abled to buy miquelets but can't buy a sword then or you have a lot less strong weapons for inf or just free pikes (I am still not happy with the pike and speer animations but the rest is nearly balanced) also forcing clans to play different factions would be great.
There already is a tournament testing 1k starting gold and no gold for round for resp. Created by Deti, works very well.
SuperPavlo said:
There already is a tournament testing 1k starting gold and no gold for round for resp. Created by Deti, works very well.

And of course the Polish community let know the other clans about that... You guys are so proud about yourself but what about telling us instead of bragging about it ? :wink:
Of course... How nice from the guys that decided that ! If it's only reserved for a part of the community, no need to say it here... Completly useless.
Im not the organiser here. Ask Deti. But if you see nickname "Deti" you can easily guess why it is reserved for Polish clans.
And as it is called "Polish Cup" - then you can e.g ask why is FA Cup in England reserved for English clans.
Moreover - it's like beta version and rules are changing so it's less complicated to discuss it with clans that speak same language as most players are not well educated in foreign languages.

And maybe foreign clans will be allowed to join the full version after that test season. - ask Deti - his idea, his rules for now.

I hope i explained you the issue... no need to be angry... and ofc. foreigners can judge - as Robin said.
I'm not angry at you superpavlo.
For me being judge is not interesting, playing is the best way to see how it works :wink:

Only thing I pointed is that it's pity that some of you aren't that open, and almost all international clans has Polish players that can translate, so it wouldn't have been such a issue.
Anyway, we'll see is this will be open to everybody later. Doesn't matter much anyway.

But not worries, I'm not angry at you :smile:
I will tell Deti that you are very interested in this idea. But for sure this season is for tests. Let's hope it'll work it's best and we will be able to play on good, confirmed rules in whole community with great pleasure.
Btw, anyone who is activ on dziekiepola know if there is anything new there ? I know there was a post about the patch proposition and someone from the Polish community was suppose to gather all the ideas in here but I had no news about it. Anyone knows anything ?
Caribbean! is released. Maybe you should ask devs again, will there be any patch for this game? Because Caribbean have even worse playing stats then this.
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