Re-read the very start of the OP in this thread. Now see people cry about whatever bugs this beta patch did bring, without any actually been brought forward seems pointless, no? Will there be any? probably, but unless someone play the beta and find out, how would we know right?
I'm assuming you're American judging by your Cheetos remark, so I'm going to break this down for you in a way that a typical American may understand, by comparing the game to a car.
If I sold you a brand new Ford truck for full price and told you that the truck isn't fully fitted out with the back seats and the air-con doesn't work - yet, but take the truck away for now and we will get those upgrades (that should have already been working/installed) put in right away. You take the car out for its first spin only to find out 5miles down the road, the wheel has fallen off.
You bring the car back into them and they say, "thank you very much, other customers have said the same thing, we will fix this up right away and get it back to you." This is essentially the bug report system.
After fixing the wheel, you take it out of the shop, only for the airbag to go off randomly 5miles down the road and the check engine light has also come on. You bring it back in. This time they take longer to fix it. Next time you take it out the tail lights blow, oil is leaking from the undercarriage and a different wheel pops right off. You then....take it back in, and the time they take to fix the problems grows exponentially to the amount of times you bring it in.
Now imagine this happening over and over and over again, with the time taking to fix the problems ever increasing.
The process seems to be, that every time you take the car back to the shop for a repair, something new breaks. The people who sold you the car keep just tinkering with the latest faults they just created and you still haven't even gotten your god damn air-con in the car and you still missing you back seats. When you even dare to ask them about the air-con or the back seats, or even when they will fix the car this time, they run into the back room and shut the door.
Someone then on the street then tells you, "hey, just keep driving the car. If you don't drive it, how will they know what they should and shouldn't fix." - this is you. This is your you see how silly that is now that I've explained it to you in American terms?
You bought the car because it's a Ford and they hold some reputation behind them (at least in my country) and we're ensured that they were going to really just be adding features to the truck, not spend the next four years begging their customers to '"just keep driving so we can **** about fixing check engine lights". It's not your responsibility as the customer to continually report problems. Sure you're happy to do it every now and then, but at some point you're going to want to be able to just drive the damn thing with everything that was promised and without worrying what is it going to be today that causes the car to crash.