Password for the public linebattle server?

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I just tried going on the public linebattle server, but something sad happened.  :sad:
There is a password for it, can anyone explain why that is on a public server?
I believe he is talking about the Monday Public, here is a link to the thread,197422.0.html

it helps to be in the correct channel in 22nd TS as well.
_RebelliouS_ said:
Commander Millander said:
You must be in a regiment to participate. The password is given to a regiment leader so he may give it to him men.

Read the topic first please .

There's a public regiment. Therefore you must be in a regiment to participate. What type of regiment, however, is up to them.
_RebelliouS_ said:
Commander Millander said:
You must be in a regiment to participate. The password is given to a regiment leader so he may give it to him men.

Read the topic first please .

He did not specify which event he was trying to attend. however what I said about having to be in a regiment and told the pass can apply for any event including this one for he had to be in the teamspeak to get he password.
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