Partysize limits for village raiding.

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Take a look on this topic I wrote.

In short, a lone Lord is able to raid a village.

I assume that the player are also able to raid a village alone?

This don't look right in my eyes. I think there should be a size limitation to fix this.

Say that you must have at least 20 soldiers including you to be able to raid the village.

(with raid I mean loot and burn, just felt it was a waste to write that over and over).
Yes, that would be the best. A human player can take out 50 farmers with ease, even 50 sea raiders.. or other strong units.. The AI cant do that : P

The current limit to raiding is 25. If you have more than 25 people in your party, including yourself, you will not fight the peasantry, only plunder the village.
I believe it should be left as is. Sometimes, slaughtering peasants with only a few people is fun, and I would not like to see that part of the game hampered.
Shadowcreep said:

The current limit to raiding is 25. If you have more than 25 people in your party, including yourself, you will not fight the peasantry, only plunder the village.
I believe it should be left as is. Sometimes, slaughtering peasants with only a few people is fun, and I would not like to see that part of the game hampered.

Shutup furry.

Now, my "racism" aside..A whole village of peasants? It really depends on the size, but I think in reality, if you went storming in there with your horse and sword, they'd swarm you and kill you.

Yeah, Sty, I've lost about 10 of my BEST warriors[I guess they weren't so good if they got killed where the little infrantry guys looked to have survived the best when I chased down a small group of villagers]to village raids. I say closer to 10 soldiers, because I fought like 50 villagers and I think that was a pretty abnormal number.

I think it should be 1 soldier to 5 villagers. But ya'know, that's kinda pushing it, enless you're REALLY good.
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