Party template dialogue problem

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I'm trying to create new party template with dialogs. Here are my steps:

0. Added troop black_knight.

1. Added new party, which is invisible.

("black","Black_Knight",pf_disabled|pf_is_static|pf_hide_defenders, no_menu, pt_none, fac_neutral,0,ai_bhvr_hold,0,(12.96,59.92),[]),

2. Added new party template.

("black_knight","Black Knight",icon_knight|ai_bhvr_hold|carries_goods(5),0,fac_outlaws,bandit_personality,[(trp_black_knight,1,1)]),

3. Spawned party template "black_knight" near party "black".

(spawn_around_party,"p_black", "pt_black_knight"),
(set_spawn_radius, 1),

4. Made dialogue.

  [party_tpl|pt_black_knight|plyr,"start", [(eq,"$talk_context",tc_party_encounter),(encountered_party_is_attacker)], "I seek the finest and the bravest knights in the land to join me in my quest.", "black1",[]],
  [party_tpl|pt_black_knight, "black1", [], "...", "black2", []],
  [party_tpl|pt_black_knight|plyr,"black2", [], "You have proved yourself worthy. Will you join me?", "black3", []],
  [party_tpl|pt_black_knight, "black3", [], "...", "black4", []],
  [party_tpl|pt_black_knight|plyr,"black4", [], "You make me sad. So be it. Let's go forward...", "black5", []],
  [party_tpl|pt_black_knight, "black5", [], "None shall pass.", "black6", [(play_sound,"snd_noneshallpass")]],
  [party_tpl|pt_black_knight|plyr,"black6", [], "What?", "black7", []],
  [party_tpl|pt_black_knight, "black7", [], "None shall pass.", "black8", [(play_sound,"snd_noneshallpass")]],
  [party_tpl|pt_black_knight|plyr,"black8", [], "I have no quarrel with you, good Sir Knight, but I must cross this bridge.", "black9", []],
  [party_tpl|pt_black_knight, "black9", [], "Then you shall die.", "black10", [(play_sound,"snd_thenyoushalldie")]],
  [party_tpl|pt_black_knight|plyr,"black10", [], "I command you, as the great {playername), to stand aside!", "black11", []],
  [party_tpl|pt_black_knight, "black11", [], "I move...for no man.", "black12", [(play_sound,"snd_imovefornoman")]],
  [party_tpl|pt_black_knight|plyr,"black12", [], "So be it!", "close_window", [[encounter_attack]]],

Ok, build_module.bat - no errors. Then launched game - no errors. On world map I saw black knight party template running around. I tried to attack him and got standard, vanilla dialogue:

(...)"You have no chance against us. Surrender now or we will kill you all"(...)

Why my new dialogue doesn't show?

Loving Agnes,
Did you put the new dialogue at the bottom of module dialogues?  If you did the game will look for the closest dialogue tuples that read true which would end up being the anyone|talk dialogue from standard native. I put all new dialogues I make after all of ramun the slavers dialogue and it works well.  Search for ### COMPANIONS and put all of your new dialogue just before it.
Berserker Pride said:
Did you put the new dialogue at the bottom of module dialogues?  If you did the game will look for the closest dialogue tuples that read true which would end up being the anyone|talk dialogue from standard native. I put all new dialogues I make after all of ramun the slavers dialogue and it works well.  Search for ### COMPANIONS and put all of your new dialogue just before it.
Yeah, you probably just didn't put the dialogue at the top.

If you did, just try using the troop instead of the party template to talk to.
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