party speed and what to do...

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How do I get my party speed up? get rid of foottroops and buy my companions fast horses?

Also I'm at this stage where I have my compainion set,and some trained troops about 35 of us in total.  I'v enot been playing long but the only way I can afford to pay the weekly pay (about 800) is to trade massively.

Eventually I want to set up my own factions, so, what should I do, keep trading till i'm rich enough to raise a bigg enough army and simply take a city, or do quests and things to get popular with some lords first, and should these lords be in the city I intend to target or that faction?

Maybe i should join a faction before starting my own?

Also, setting up businesses, I have a good relationship with Suno, and wan tto set up a business, but the guildmaster tells me to pick carefully, needed to get resources cheaply, but the problem is this, how do I know what resoruce will be cheap, there is rarely anythign that heap at suno and all the local villages produce nothign because of swabia's constant losing wars...

any advice is good!
Just check the weekly profit that the store is offering. Pick the highest one. For most towns it will be velvet.

Joining a faction is a good way to build up your character before striking out on your own. You will want to make friends with lots of lords too, that way they join you when you start your own faction.
MoridinUK said:
How do I get my party speed up? get rid of foottroops and buy my companions fast horses?

Troops on foot with high athletics skill actually make your party move fast. So get rid of low level troops, or only use high level troops that have high riding or athletics skill.
Giving horses to your companions will only make your party move fast IF they have higher riding skill than athletics.
E.g., if Deshavi has 0 in riding, and 2 in athletics, making her use a horse would actually slow your party down.
Ask one of your companions to train a high level in pathfinding.
They say a party with high morale moves faster.

Also, setting up businesses, I have a good relationship with Suno, and wan tto set up a business, but the guildmaster tells me to pick carefully, needed to get resources cheaply, but the problem is this, how do I know what resoruce will be cheap, there is rarely anythign that heap at suno and all the local villages produce nothign because of swabia's constant losing wars...

Usually you only look at the weekly profit. The economy doesn't depend on what items you see in the villages' inventories. It's a bit more complicated than that.
Velvet is the most stable income, and it should be the case for Suno as well.
Are you completely sure that Athletics 2 moves faster than a unit with Mounted tag? The Deshavi example is kinda moot since you can't give her a horse unless she has riding 1. From what I've read and seen Mounted units has a faster base speed than unmounted.
Mounted is always faster than foot. Companions seem to slow down or speed up the party a lot depending on whether they are mounted.  Early on I give them all crappy cheap horses and order them to dismount as soon as the battle starts and that nets me a decent increase in map speed. 

Once you get Borcha's pathfinding up to 5 or 6 you zip across the map like a Khergit (almost).

Kettle Black said:
Are you completely sure that Athletics 2 moves faster than a unit with Mounted tag? The Deshavi example is kinda moot since you can't give her a horse unless she has riding 1. From what I've read and seen Mounted units has a faster base speed than unmounted.

Maybe my example was inaccurate, but what I meant was if your companion's athletics skill is higher than his riding skill, giving him a horse will slow down the party. I tested it and it was the case.
To move fastest

  • Use nothing but cavalry troops and give horses to all your companions. (I can't vouch for the athletics thing but is doesn't matter to me as I always raise my companions riding skill to 4 early on because armored horses are SO much better than any other horses once you start fighting anything but the easiest bandits).

    Keep party size low. 20 is enough if you have top tier cavalry (Swadian knights or slaver chiefs for example) and your companions have decent gear. 30 or so if you're in padded armor and your cavalry is all low-level Kerghits and caravan guard mercenaries.

    Keep party morale high. Carrying a variety of food will take care of this.

    Keep some extra horse in your inventory. Carrying a full load of iron or whatever slows you down, extra horses lessen the movement penalty. Any horses will do (also as long as someone in your party has wound treatment lame horses will heal after a while in your inventory).

Once you have set up the productive venture thing in enough towns the profit will cover the cost of your troops . Velvet is the most profitable thing everywhere but Jelkala I think.

Join a faction before starting your own kingdom. Joining a battle and saving a lord who is about to get beat raises your relation with him. Releasing lords you have defeated rather than taking them prisoner raises you relation with them.
It's worth noting that the following units that are not cavalry are flagged as 'mounted' for the purposes of map-speed movement.  This feature was explained to me in the bug tracker forums by one of the bug fixers:

"These units have a horse but prefer to fight on foot."

*Hired Blade
*Mercenary Swordsman
*Swadian Sergeant
*Swadian Sharpshooter
*Vaegir Guard
*Sarranid Guard
*Sarranid Master Archer
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