
How do I get my party speed up? get rid of foottroops and buy my companions fast horses?
Also I'm at this stage where I have my compainion set,and some trained troops about 35 of us in total. I'v enot been playing long but the only way I can afford to pay the weekly pay (about 800) is to trade massively.
Eventually I want to set up my own factions, so, what should I do, keep trading till i'm rich enough to raise a bigg enough army and simply take a city, or do quests and things to get popular with some lords first, and should these lords be in the city I intend to target or that faction?
Maybe i should join a faction before starting my own?
Also, setting up businesses, I have a good relationship with Suno, and wan tto set up a business, but the guildmaster tells me to pick carefully, needed to get resources cheaply, but the problem is this, how do I know what resoruce will be cheap, there is rarely anythign that heap at suno and all the local villages produce nothign because of swabia's constant losing wars...
any advice is good!
Also I'm at this stage where I have my compainion set,and some trained troops about 35 of us in total. I'v enot been playing long but the only way I can afford to pay the weekly pay (about 800) is to trade massively.
Eventually I want to set up my own factions, so, what should I do, keep trading till i'm rich enough to raise a bigg enough army and simply take a city, or do quests and things to get popular with some lords first, and should these lords be in the city I intend to target or that faction?
Maybe i should join a faction before starting my own?
Also, setting up businesses, I have a good relationship with Suno, and wan tto set up a business, but the guildmaster tells me to pick carefully, needed to get resources cheaply, but the problem is this, how do I know what resoruce will be cheap, there is rarely anythign that heap at suno and all the local villages produce nothign because of swabia's constant losing wars...
any advice is good!