Party skills: Tactics

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Don Quichot

To put it short: My main character has 4 points in tactics. Because I like small parties and big battle advantage, I gave Marnid 2 points in tactics as well. However in the Party screen these 2 points do not show up as party skills. Is the tactics skill a party skill (then it should be cumultative) or is it a personal skill (then I need to raise it on my main character, but then it should also be altered in the game from party skill to personal skill) or is it working cumultatively and just not showing on the party screen?????
If so, then it should really be a personal skill, like inventory managment, not a party skil... Can't believe i wasted 2 good skill points on this grrrmmmbllll :wink:
party skills are not cumulative. no skills are. the closest thing to a cumulative skill is training, and that's addative.
Okay thanks for clearing things up so far, still it would be really appreciated if an explanation was given on each skill on how it works with multiple PC having the same skill.
So here's my idea so far, please correct me if I'm wrong:
Ironflesh to Horse Archery: All personal skills affecting only your own character.
Trainer: Additive.
Tracking: Highest only.
Tactics: Highest only.
Pathfinding: Highest only.
Spotting: Highest only.
Inventory Managment: Personal skill.
Wound Treatment: Highest only. *
Surgery: Highest only. *
First Aid: Highest only. *
Prisoner Management: Leader skill. #
Leadership: Leader skill. #
Trade: Highest only.

* (Cause all my characters have points in this skill but only Marnids points shows and he has the highest. On these point I'd really hope it could be additive. After all Marnid and Borcha are unconscious most of the time and some one needs to take care of the party. :wink: MEDIC!)
# (Since you can't make Marnid or Borcha leader of the party your character will need to develop these skills.)

Hmm now I understand. Party skills are 'highest-only' by default. Leader skills must come from the main character and personal skill, well....

This means that I've been building characters all the wrong way so far. :evil:

Maybe I should focus my main character on charisma and fighting. Since tactics is a party skill and not a leader skill, hmmm. Then focus both Marnid and Borcha on Intelligence so that Marnid covers the medical skills and Borcha covers the scouting skills and Tactics.

.....More indepth understanding of game functioning aquired.....
Lol yeah i would like to see some of those skills additive too.

And yeah marnid and borcha do spend most of the time sleeping (with a headache that is :razz:)
I think ive probably knocked out marnid and borcha more time's then the enemy have lol..
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