Party Members + Barter / More

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Currently, when you want to equip your heroes with good armor/weapons, you're taking a dive in money. I just gave Borcha about 4k in equip, but he had 0 denar to pay me. So I just gave it to him. The problem is, if I ever want that back, or if I want to give him better stuff, and want the old stuff back, I have to pay him.

Currently, I see 2 ways to solve this:
a) Get rid of the whole buy/sell from party members. Make it so you can give and take at will.
b) Allow Heroes to get loot/money on their own, so they have money to buy the stuff in the first place.
Or, a pipedream: c) Allow each Hero to have their own party and adventure on their own, giving you a cut of their spoils. (IE, You can tell Bocha 'Go out and adventure, be back in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) days to (Zendar, Here, 4 Ways Inn).

Also, this is another pipedream, but do you think you can add in 1 prisoner on the map that rides with, like, 40 dark knights that acts as a settler, and you can erect your own castle somewhere with him? Then give out missions, raise an army, set up a shop, host tournaments.

Also, I'm sure this has already been asked, but can you add in a 'Tournament' mode for the Arena?

Edit: Also, forgot to add, can you put in a 'speed up' button for travelling long distances?
I'm liking your ideas for the most part. :smile:

Also, this is another pipedream, but do you think you can add in 1 prisoner on the map that rides with, like, 40 dark knights that acts as a settler, and you can erect your own castle somewhere with him? Then give out missions, raise an army, set up a shop, host tournaments.
One problem here - once you get to about level 12 or so and have a decent number of companions, 40 dark knights don't scare that much. You can fairly easily take them down. In fact, soon enough any enemy group doesn't pose too much of a problem (except archer/crossbow-heavy groups) because of the fact that even on the largest size only about 14 enemies attack at a time. The largest battle size would have to be upgraded for those dark knights even to pose a threat.
Same, because they still only come on in dribs and drabs. :razz: There's no challenge in battles once you get to a moderately high level at the moment, more's the pity.
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